Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Your Health Questions Answered

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

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Dr. Massey explains how interventions performed at his birth put him into an anxious state

The effects of narcotics used in the birthing process

They used to give a morphine derivative for baby’s colic

A reality called innocent inheritance envelops most Souls as they incarnate into physical realty 

Gratitude and Forgiveness appear to be major components in natural healing

Cr. Massey gives a spiritual exercise we can do involving our Mom and Dad going back to the first year of our life

There are re-birthing modalities one can do to release birth trauma

One adventurous stem cell goes and turns into a unity cell from a dual beginning

This cell automatically depolarizes in the body to unity

Orgasm essentially are the feeling cells get from going to a dualistic consciousness

The Sufi tradition listed the ways to realize God in three ways working from the lest effective to the most

effective; Prayer – meditation to the most effective conversation.

When we give our self and others unconditional love we must truly feel it for it to be real

Freud was a duelist and Reich was into unity consciousness

The word Sin comes from archery and miss the bullseye

Patrick talks about baptism long ago was about leaving the top of the head open for Soul to come and go and not washing away sins

Everything is a love story in our body.

The two entities that we feel are in us is the real us, Soul and the image we have of who we are

'Dr. Richard Massey | Soul Is Always Dancing with the Image We Have of Ourselves | January 16, 2023' has no comments

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