Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Corona, False Alarm?

Cut to the facts about coronavirus in Corona, False Alarm?, the runaway German bestseller.

In June 2020, Corona, False Alarm? exploded into the German market, selling 200,000 copies and 75,000 e-books in six weeks.

No other topic dominates our attention as much as coronavirus and COVID-19, the infectious disease it triggers. There’s been a global deluge of contradictory opinions, fake news, and politically controlled information. Differing views on the dangers posed by the pandemic have led to deep division and confusion, within governments, society, and even among friends and family.

Show highlights:

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi spent over 30 years in the field of microbiology

Denmark is almost back to normal

This virus exists, but it has affected more minds than lungs. Meaning, it’s pretty benign

The deadliness is very different among viruses. For example, rabies is very deadly but the common cold is not

How deadly is this coronavirus? Maximally, it’s like a bad flu

99.9% of individuals did not die from this virus below 70 years of age

This virus has mutated many times over; it’s a very different virus that came out of Wuhan

Coronaviruses, flu and cold viruses circulate peacefully among populations and have since the beginning of time. So why do people get sick? Dr. Bhakdi explains

Viruses train your immune system; they actually strengthen the body in the long run

Sheltering yourself from microbes and germs, particularly children is a bad idea.

What’s the difference between coronaviruses and the common cold virus

The regular flu virus that comes around every year kills more people without pre-existing illnesses than COVID-19

Dr. Bhakdi breaks down all the numbers. Once you hear them, you will understand that there’s nothing to see here folks

Is there any science behind PCR tests?

The majority of the people around the world have already been protested from this virus

Dr. Bhakdi explains why he would not take a COVID-19 vaccine; he is absolutely NOT and anti-vaxxer and believes in safe and effective vaccines. He explains how there will be no way to show efficacy in a COVID vaccine

As Dr. Bhakdi says so eloquently, the flu vaccine is “bullshit”

Please share this podcast with everyone you know. The problem we are seeing with the public is simply an ignorance in knowing how the human body works. We strive to bring the best information to our listeners to empower you to live a better life!!

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, eminent microbiologist and immunologist says the actual death rate from this virus is 0.5% max, October 3, 2020

'Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – Corona, False Alarm? Bringing the World to It’s Knees Over Nothing – October 3, 2020' has no comments

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