Patrick Timpone

Getting Spiritually Strong; Knowing Ones Power Is the Way to Survive

Will take a spiritual component to surthrive in these challenging times of spiritual evolution. 

Death of this country seems to be the goal of certain forces.

We need to step up and get strong at a deep level to be able to survive.

Our reality is what we think, believe and expect, which controls what we experience.

Will be a lot of rubble and people getting hurt and sucked up by the matrix.

It takes spiritual grit to not let the mind take over and then drop into fear, angst, and uncertainty.

Know anyone that’s productive, that does a lot of stuff, doesn’t look back, and doesn’t care what others think?  That is a spiritually evolved person.  E.g. Andrew Gause.

Work on bringing more awareness to who you truly are.

Procrastination – people put off doing what they want to do.  Instead, just do it, now.  That is spiritual strength, making that movement.

You get to chose where you’re going to put your attention.

Our reaction to uncomfortable, stressful situations causes disease because of the tension created.

There’s a low band of subconscious energy going on all the time in us.  You can work to get above the subconscious and then it doesn’t effect you any more.

We are driving the bus and in control.  All the forces in the matrix are constantly trying to tell us they’re in control.  But we can throw them out once we realize we are in control.

God is in control, but we have to do the doing, it’s not the spirit doing.  We are co-workers with God.

Spirit wants to do what we want to do. 

It’s all now, there is no future.  We’re just downloading or channeling what’s already been done.

To get over procrastination, decompress the moment you’re in.  Do meditation, contemplation, yoga.  Slow down the stream running through your consciousness.  Feel the stream of subconscious energy controlling your life.  It’s a loop, slow it down.  Same thing with anxiety attacks. 

Listen to Putin’s 9/30/22 talk to his country – on the ORN homepage.  He’s calling out what’s going on in the West and WEF.

How can Trump not know how dangerous the jabs are?

Will they ever let someone into office that the people want?

We need to stay awake and aware.  Be careful of what you believe to be true.

Mike Adams and Natural News are mostly fear porn.

Not a shocking revelation that Brazil is cozying up with China.  They’re both in BRICS, after all.

'Patrick Timpone | Getting Spiritually Strong; Knowing Ones Power Is the Way to Survive What is Coming| October 5, 2022' has no comments

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