Patrick Timpone

Is It Possible That Everything We See Is a Dream; Is It All Just Made Up?

“Hi Patrick! I’m a long time listener from way back. Back in the days when Robert from Houston would call in every Friday. I’ve always enjoyed your show. I think your Friday shows are so much better than they use to be. You have truly become a spiritual teacher to the tuned in followers. Many of the subjects you have been looking into have also been interests of mine. Since 9-11-2001 I have questioned just about everything. This truth path can be a lonely road to travel on. I think some people just don’t want to wake up. They have a comfortable life and don’t want that life disrupted. I have learned much from your shows over the years and will always be grateful.” Love,Tim K.

Show highlights:

Is it all made up – cosmology, germ theory, politics, stock market, derivatives, dollar not based on anything, terrorism, wars, false flags, WMD, moon landing?   Is it all a big lie?

Send in questions now for Patrick’s shows next week on flat earth theory. 

The Great Awakening is that we are spiritual beings doing what we want and creating our own reality. 

Is 2020 what 2012 was supposed to be, as predicted by the Mayans?  This could be the time of our life.

Will the falsity of the germ theory become recognized by the mainstream?

The more we see the unreality, the more we are able to focus on who we are as spiritual beings and do what we want.  All that’s left is our creativity.

Emailer says it’s a gift and blessing to go through these times.  Would like to see more awake people.


How do we relate to those that have bought into the lie?

Do nuclear weapons really exist?

Is the China fraud all a false flag?

They knew we couldn’t catch anything by breathing it in, that they would have to inject it in us.

We are omniscient and omnipotent because we are little gods.  We create through our consciousness.

When things are happening, it hurts us subconsciously, and that’s why we age.

Jerome asks what Patrick thinks really happened on 9/11.

They’re making it hard to get stuff.  Will we face food shortages?

This is the big one that we have been waiting for.

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”   Benjamin Franklin

There’s no political or judicial solution to any of this.  Only solution is you waking up, knowing it’s all a lie, and living your life.

Get to know your sheriff.

Let go of fears.  What you put out there is what you get back.

Emailer enjoyed Thane Heins show about a new way to generate energy.  Check out becoming a Karmic Investor with Thane.  Can get 800x your investment.  Contact him at [email protected]

Patrick clarifies that he is not a teacher of Eckankar or spokesperson for  He follows it as his spiritual path.  Relates how he found Eckankar.

Terry asks if Joel Skousen’s predictions have any merit.

Is Elon Musk a total globalist?

Why do these people keep telling us what they’re going to do?  E.g. Hollywood shows, published material.  Do they think it will neutralize karma?

Majority of world has lived in oppression most of their lives.  It’s all coming up.

Michelle is wowed by the flat earth video on ORN and asks for the list.  If you’re interested, email Patrick and ask for the list of 20 flat earth videos.

Don’t buy into the fear that the unvaxxed are responsible for the mess we’re in.

If they convince you of the little lie that the germ theory exists, they can convince you of a variant.  If NASA can convince you they went into space, you can be convinced you are an insignificant life form and you need to do what they say.

Taylor from Austin, who was terminated because of refusing the jab and tests, calls back to talk about cosmology and other topics.

Patrick’s teacher says we come as eagles, not doves.  Know and trust God.  Do the right thing.  We’re being taken to another level.

'Patrick Timpone – Is It Possible That Everything We See Is a Dream; Is It All Just Made Up? – September 10, 2021' has no comments

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