Ken Rohla

Natural Health Educator

Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, specializing in rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. Formally educated in electrical engineering and computer science, Ken worked for 23 years in the medical industry, from the patient level drawing blood in hospital emergency rooms, to the national policy level, showing health care executives how to implement technology, as computer operations manager for the North Carolina Hospital Association. In 1993, at the age of 32, Ken was first exposed to natural healing in a search to cure severe hypoglycemia and other health problems he had acquired from a lifetime of poor diet and lifestyle. Eight years and many thousands of dollars later, after trying just about every diet, product, potion, and pill available, Ken found permanent success with living food nutrition and detoxification. After repeated requests from friends to share what he had learned, he began teaching workshops on detoxification and rejuvenation in 2003, and demand for his services exploded.

Take a look at Ken’s products in our store 

We sure have strayed far from our Constitution when it comes to everything but especially the COVID lockdown; the county Sheriff is there to uphold the Constitution so educating your county Sheriff is critical

Patrick talks about the pocket pamphlets he got from the American Legion long ago about the Constitution that you can pass out to people

Ken summarizes the Miranda Rights

Corruption runs rampant in politics, even on the community level

How Twitter, FB, and YouTube are censoring natural health information especially when it comes to COVID-19

They’ve tried everything to make David Icke out to be a loon over the past 30 years, but everything he has been saying is coming to pass

Ken is launching a private membership site to protect his work from censorship

Ken talks about anti-gravity, free energy, and time travel technology

The reason free energy technology has been suppressed

How does scalar energy work?

How 5G exacerbates illness and COVID-19

We talk about the 20,000 satellites that are hovering over the entire Earth

Wheatgrass juice is AMAZING; Ken tells us why

Why frozen wheatgrass juice doesn’t even come close to fresh

A listener calls in to tell Ken that his work has been being censored on FB

From a listener: If I understand what you’re saying about how cells are affected by emf’s and how the water, ( inside our bodies, or cells) are affected, in your opinion would the amount of silica in water have a negative or positive role?

From a listener: Would Ken give me some info on various ways I can use his Pro Bio Concentrate which I bought ? I live in WPB and am hesitant to spray it in my AC due to the high moisture content this will create. Suggestions?

Also, Just ordered the Miracule water system based on Kens recommendations.  Will this be enough to clean up my WPB tap water?

From a listener: I have a question for Ken regarding scalar energy and how exactly his rest shield and home shield protect against EMF. One of the problems with the 5G seems to be the frequencies at which it uses and how, among other things, it broadcasts at frequencies that affect cellular metabolism and oxygen uptake. If these wireless technologies broadcast at certain frequencies, and if Ken’s scalar devices don’t block the signal, how do they protect the body if the body is still being hit by those frequencies?

Ken Rohla with a fun informative for the tin foil hatter deep within you, April 29, 2020 ONE

Ken Rohla with a fun informative for the tin foil hatter deep within you, April 29, 2020 TWO

'Ken Rohla – Free Energy; 5G &COVID-19; Censorhip; Scalar Energy & More – April 29, 2020' have 2 comments

  1. April 30, 2020 @ 12:53 am Angela

    Always love to hear from Ken!


  2. May 22, 2020 @ 7:30 am Jen Claybourne

    Bob Langer The Coronavirus “Common Denominator” Tied To Charles Lieber & Israel’s NY “Smart Cities”


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