Mark Blaxill

Co-founder of Health Choice

Mark Blaxill is the father of a daughter diagnosed with autism, Chairman and co-founder of the Canary Party, Editor-at-Large for Age of Autism, a former director of SafeMinds and a frequent speaker at autism conferences.

He writes often on autism, science and public policy issues for Age of Autism and has published a number of articles, letters and commentaries on autism in journals such as Public Health Reports, the International Journal of Toxicology, the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Neurotoxicology and Medical Hypotheses. He has also been invited to peer review articles in journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, the American Journal of Epidemiology, Pediatrics and the International Journal of Toxicology. As part of his advocacy work, he has testified before the Immunization Safety Review of the Institute of Medicine (2001), served on a Blue Ribbon Panel on Vaccine Safety (2004), initiated a symposium sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences entitled  â€œEnvironmental Factors in Neurodevelopmental Disorders” (2005) and a workshop sponsored by the Institute of Medicine entitled “Autism and the Environment: Challenges and Opportunities for Research” (2007). He was a panelist at a “Meeting on Evaluating Reasons for ASD Trends” co-sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Autism Speaks (2011) and at a hearing “1 in 88 Children: A Look Into the Federal Response to Rising Rates of Autism” called by the House of Representatives’ Oversight and Government Reform Committee (2012).

In recent human history, mankind has created and witnessed unprecedented changes in the balance between nature and technology. With the advent of the industrial revolution, technological progress has led to profound improvements in human health and quality of life. Important benefits such as improved sanitation and clean water have combined to reduce human mortality and extend the lifespan. As we recognize these benefits, we also know that technology works best when it serves human needs and worst when it imposes new risks on human development, creating a greater distance between nature and man. Paradoxically, as we become more reliant on technology, we risk losing sight of the proper balance between the benefits and risks of progress, especially in those technologies that intervene most directly in human health.

In order to restore that balance, we must pursue a future based on a more natural vision of human health, happiness and development, one that focuses on wellness rather than disease. The definition of wellness that guides the healing professions should not be the absence of symptoms in the presence of medical intervention, but rather the pursuit of health without the need for drugs. Realizing this future will require a more natural approach to wellness, especially early in life, but also throughout the lifespan. To restore the proper balance of nature and technology, Americans for Health Choice seeks to restore balance to our civil society.

We hold these Principles to be self-evident:

  1. That awareness of the new man-made epidemics is the first requirement for ending them;
  2. That when complexity clouds our understanding of health crises, our moral imperative is to first do no harm;
  3. That the best measure of a safe environment is the total health and happiness of an individual human being;
  4. That the individual’s right to choose or refuse medical interventions affecting them or their children must be defended;
  5. That true empowerment requires that the individual is accorded and assumes responsibility for their own health, happiness and nutrition;
  6. That full access to the healing professions and to truthful information is essential to liberty;
  7. That when injuries occur as a consequence of institutional failure, the victims deserve justice;
  8. That the cause of justice is best served when our governing institutions are free from commercial interests;
  9. That a compassionate society has a duty to provide injured and otherwise disabled citizens with an opportunity for happiness and to treat them with dignity.

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The right to make choices on our own about medicine and medical procedures

The increasing restrictions on the “right to choose” concerning vaccines

Before 1930, the rate of autism was zero. Today, the rate of autism is 3% in children and rising every year

The short answer to the cause: vaccines

The explosion in autism correlates with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 which was signed into law by United States President Ronald Reagan as part of a larger health bill on Nov 14, 1986.

and so much more!

Sulfur Testimonials

Mark Blaxill on Autism and the proof is there vaccines are integral in this condition

'Mark Blaxill – Co-founder of Health Choice Talks Autism, Vaccines, & Medical Choice – March 18, 2020' has no comments

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