Mike Stone

ViroLIEgy: Exposing the Lies of Germ Theory and Virology Using Their Own Sources

A few years ago, a loved one of mine was misdiagnosed and mistreated by our medical system. They were abused with numerous toxic drugs and unnecessary invasive medical procedures that unfortunately cost them their life after years of suffering under horrific conditions.

Upon trying to discover the best ways to help them through this difficult health crisis, I stumbled upon the lies of Germ Theory and the disastrous state of our “health” care system. I found out about the battle between Antoine BeChamp vs. the plagarist Louis Pasteur. I began to study the differences between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory. I became aware of the influence of the Rockefellers on the creation of our medical establishment. I immersed myself in the work of David Crowe, Stefan Lanka, Roberto Giraldo, The Perth Group, Liam Scheff, Celia Farber, and many others.

Flash forward to 2020 and it became obvious that I could no longer sit on the sidelines while accumulating this information for myself. The world became enthralled in a “pandemic” based on numerous false pretenses and deliberate misinformation/propaganda. We found ourselves in a Testing Pandemic bolstered by FEAR. Too many were acting on inaccurate information from Pharmaceutically-controlled mainstream sources without ever being aware of the fact that there is a much more logical side to this debate. One based upon knowledge and not FEAR.

Exosomes, Bacteria, Fungus and parasites are here to help not harm us

Rabies has never been isolated and proven to exist

What do we need to be immune from?

Mike Stone unpacks the life and work of Pasteur and how he cooked to books to sell the virus model

When antibiotics are given to kill a bacteria, matters will get worse later

All “Diseases” is the body detoxing from Stress, chemicals and poisons ingested 

What was the Spanish Flu experience all about?

Mike gives his understanding of what the HIV event was all about.

There never has been something called virus found in a sick person. ever.

Research the Milton Rosenau experiments trying to prove a virus was responsible for the Spanish Flu

We simply can’t make each other sick.  It has never been proven to work this way.

'Mike Stone | There is Nothing Out There Trying to Harm the Body; We Simply Don’t Make Each Other Sick | February 21, 2023' has 1 comment

  1. February 25, 2023 @ 9:32 am Deb

    I think we’ve been lied the believe that there is something out there trying to harm the body because the powers that be want & need constant war. Hence the war on the body too. My, what a different world we would have if not for central banks, their wars, and fiat currency.


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