Open Phone Friday

‘Quarantine’ is when you restrict the movement of sick people.
‘Tyranny’ is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.
– Q

Show highlights:

First time callers in the month of June will be entered in a drawing to win a rebounder
Doctors and nurses have said anyone who has tested positive for Covid and dies with it, get reported as a Covid death even if they are killed from another disease/ condition
Hospitals gets $9,000 for a patient who dies from Covid, and $35,000 for those who get put on a ventilator
CDC released the death rate from Covid 19 is 0.2%
3 million people die every year in the United States from any disease/ accident
Roughly 50 million workers have been laid off
is Covid 19 a psychological operation?
As you detox the body creates viruses; the flu is a detox reaction which can result from change in weather, stress, and fear
People coming down with Covid symptoms have created these symptoms from fear, worry, and angst
Once you get some type of license, you are in the system and obligated to follow what the government says
The more we spiritually know that our body is healing, it will heal
Trauma is what is keeping a physical issue “alive”, once you get rid of that trauma mentally, spiritually, and emotionally the body will start to heal
How rebounders are beneficial to your health
All of these things testing vaccines for Covid are experimental
No vaccine has ever been proven safe or effective
Government officials can not mandate you to participate in an “experiment”; you can now file a civil suit against Covid related issues
“Cancer is one of the biggest brands on the planet”
Everything that the government says is just an “offer”
What type of vitamin c is the most beneficial?
President Trump signs a social media executive order
Is there a possibility of voter fraud?
People get off track identifying themselves by skin color, sexuality, or political party instead of looking at their souls
Dreams are recollections of what we are doing when we are sleeping
Black people are experiencing racism because of karma
How the Minneapolis issue relates to karma
The only way to learn personal responsibility to to understand we create our karma and in order to change it, we need to grow spiritually and change

Open Phone and email Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, May 29, 2020

'Open Phone Friday – Freedom’s Just Another Word for Nothin’ Left To Lose, May 29, 2020' has no comments

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