Show highlights:

If we do the opposite of the culture, we’re generally on the right track.
“In physical reality, whenever we say something we’re doing it at the sane time,” according to Patrick.
So it’s a good idea to scale back when we’re criticizing other people.
Patrick believes a Great Awakening is going on — “We don’t hear a lot of things because the mainstream media doesn’t cover it.”
Everything that’s going on in the world — that’s our state of consciousness.
Most souls are having a hard time because they’re tied into the world “out there” — we’re in the Matrix.
“I had a great interview with Thomas Renz, the attorney from Ohio.” (Thomas Renz—COVID: Major case filed against the State of Ohio for restricting freedom without legitimate justification—Sept. 16, 2020)

A listener wants Patrick to elaborate on challenges with respect to love. Patrick answers, starting with, “In my experience, all there is is God.”
Love purifies everything … including the medical model of Cancer, Inc.
Doctors are not bad people. They were just taught the wrong things.

A listener asks Patrick about the Fed raising interest rates. Patrick explains why that’s not going to happen.

Patrick ponders the intricacies of the Fed’s involvement with COVID and with Trump.

A listener asks about liability contracts.
Another listener asks about fecal implants.
Patrick recommends aloe and castor oil for “painful intestines.”

Brigitte phones, kidding, “Help! I’m under water!” She’s been dealing with Hurricane Sally.

She talks about a network marketing product called Liquid Gold. Patrick is not a fan of network marketing.

Brigitte had two inches of water in her house. Her “beautiful piece of land” doesn’t drain. “This too shall pass,” Patrick comments.
Patrick would like to find a cabin in Brigitte’s area (Florida Panhandle). There’s access to the beach and it’s “free from all that humidity in southern Florida.”

A listener writes in a quote from Nelson Mandela.

A listener writes in about the World Economic Forum.
“Ethicist” Parker Crutchfield recommends a “morality pill” to deal with people who won’t practice Social Distancing or wear masks, going so far as to put it in the water system.
Patrick muses about viruses as upgrades of DNA “I just think that the idea that there’s something hiding under a rock waiting to kill you — or your family or your kids — is a lie.”

“A lot of folks die because they just don’t want to change.”
A listener asks about Liver Time.

Some doctors and business owners are suing the Mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma, over the mask mandate.
A listener asks Patrick about pulling teeth versus root canals.
Patrick advises a listener about wearing a mask just to buy something without “giving power to the masking monsters.”
Patrick is doing the protocol of Morley Robbins. “We’re going to have him on once a month.”

Patrick describes the protocol.
“We will see you and Dr. Massey and Ray Peat on Monday,” Patrick says.
He concludes the show by playing “All You Need Is Love,” by The Beatles.

Sulfur Testimonials

Open Phones with You, Doodle and Patrick, September 18, 2020

'Open Phone Friday – If We Do the Opposite of the Culture, We’re Generally on the Right Track – September 18, 2020' has no comments

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