Patrick starts the show talking about different religions and his spiritual path Eckankar. He demonstrates the “HU” which is a love song to God

Why do some religions feel the need to go out into the public to spread their word which they believe to be truth? Remember the Hare Krishna’s in the airports? Patrick does and tells about his experience with them

We’re on our own path and it’s up to us to find our own truths and live with integrity

We touch a bit on reincarnation

Role playing: The players in this COVID-19 crisis, the doctors down to the politicians to the people who want to control the world like Bill Gates are just playing their roles and we mustn’t forget that. We have much to learn in every way from these events and remaining detached and just watching as if we’re viewing a movie is helpful

Patrick’s take on COVID-19 from a spiritual perspective

Anthony Fauci has a lot of ties to the controllers. We need to use our critical thinking skills when it comes to his advice

Exercising your pineal gland? A listener calls in to tell us about it

John Shore calls in from the UK with a nice analogy he makes between fear and stock prices

There’s a story going around about the Fall of the Cabal; we wonder if it’s true. It would certainly be amazing

How will money look in the future?

John presents a really interesting theory on the housing markets; his vision is pretty grim

Comments from Atom Bergstrom:

1) I follow no leader, but Trump recently made a smart move. The Pentagon wanted to bomb Iran, but Trump said “No” because of COVID-19. Anyone who keeps the U.S. out of the rest of the world’s business is OK with me.

2) On the day of the Pink Supermoon (Apr. 7, 2020), I predicted that 5G and globalization cannot be stopped (except by holocaust). Let’s rise above it. What happens in The Matrix stays in The Matrix.

3) Yep, SOUL is immortal. It’s witness to the Matrix, not attached to it. Keeping the soft spot open is about hanging on to our PHYSICAL space suit longer — staying younger. It’s called neoteny (juvenilization) — the CHILD is the father of the MAN. It’s for people who believe in TIME and SPACE.

Mike in Canada writes: “Everything is spiritual, everything has a spirit, everything was brought here by the creator, the one creator.  
“In the Hopi prophecy they say the storms and floods will become greater. To me it’s not a negative thing to know that there will be great changes. It’s not negative, it’s evolution. When you look at it as evolution, it’s time, nothing stays the same.  â€œYou should treat all things as spirit, realize that we are one family. It’s never something like the end. It’s like life, there is no end to life.”
-Floyd Red Crow Westerman

Comment from Dawn: I will keep it short.  For some odd reason, back in 2005 I had a kundalini awakening.  Always knew I was always different.  Took years to understand what I went thru.  The Kundalini is a devine love..a knowing…a peaceful consciousness since.  I use it to help others, keep them calm.  A knowing, that we can all work together as one…and love each other.  I could go on and on….Love you Patrick..been listening to you for years.  Now I actually have time to watch and respond because of social distancing.Happy Easter

Comment from Cricket: Bible talks about 30 60 100 fold. Means all learn , understand , evolve differently. In their spiritual journey. . Every on their own path Also Bible says to pray without ceasing. Our life can be a prayer if we focus on the Christ consciousness. Seeing the oneness in all things.

Open Phones with You, Doodle and Patrick, April 10, 2020, Part One

Open Phones with You, Doodle and Patrick, April 10, 2020, Part Two

'Open Phone Friday – The Winds of Change Are Blowing Through – April 10, 2020' has no comments

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