“What we believe comes forth in our bodies,” according to Patrick.
Pamela (first caller) and Patrick discuss the alleged time traveler John Titor and other subjects.
Is Newsmax going to be taken down because they’re being called insurrectionists?
What else are Sleepy Joe and the globalists doing?
Patrick praises his friend and adviser Sharon. “Alongside every good man is a good woman.”
Julie from California (second caller) and Patrick talk about “nothing we see is real” and the state of the globalist world.
Patrick criticizes Biden’s federal minimum wage agenda.
Is the new U.S. government legitimate?
Is Dr. Anthony Fauci a criminal? What kind of evidence does David Martin have?
Is National Public Radio (NPR) racist?
Is Donald Trump going to be impeached for inciting insurrection?
Will Biden make 11 million aliens legal by executive order?
Will non-citizens now be counted as citizens?
Will the Green New Deal be pushed through?
Patrick praises Dr. Tom Cowan’s research on why viruses (including coronaviruses) are not the cause of disease.
Chris from Pennsylvania (third caller) and Patrick discuss injectable medical devices and the COVID scam.
They also talk about Biden picking Rachel Levine of Commie Land (Pennsylvania) as his Assistant Health Secretary.
Patrick enjoys Petit Pot Pudding. His favorite is French Vanilla.
Patrick likes Sacha Stone. “He’s a Patriot. He’s one of us.”
Another “one of us” is Andrew Torba, CEO of Gab.
Atom write in, “John Titor, Time Traveler, was probably a hoax perpetrated by Larry and Morey Haber of Kissimmee, Florida.”
Atom again: “TruNews has been dropped by Neon, their donor database, for ‘hate crimes.’ PayPal already dropped them in January of 2020 after they did a report on Jeffrey ‘Lolita Express’ Epstein.”
Wendy writes in about her awakening about the scamdemic.
Atom writes in, “The Flu World Order wants everyone to move from California and move to the middle of the country, leaving this state for British royalty and tech moguls.  We’re standing our ground and not becoming EMIGRANTS.”
David “Avocado” Wolfe was kicked off YouTube. Patrick plays a video of David providing the details.
David Wolfe is now on Telegram.

“We create our own reality,” explains Patrick, going into a detailed explanation.
“Nothing can hurt us unless we allow it in.”
Patrick describes his near death experience in 1984 or 1985.
“May the blessings be.”

Open Phones with You, Doodle and Patrick, good fun stuff, January 22, 2021 part one

Open Phones with You, Doodle and Patrick, good fun stuff, January 22, 2021 part two

'Open Phone Friday – What We Believe Comes Forth In Our Bodies – January 22, 2021' has 1 comment

  1. January 24, 2021 @ 5:38 pm Lia

    It seems that Kamala Harris is eligible for the presidency since she was born in Oakland, CA. (if this article is correct…)!/articles/2/essays/82/presidential-eligibility
    Thanks for a most interesting Friday show, listening on Sunday. :)


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