Patrick Timpone

Patrick connects with listeners answering questions and responding to comments about health and wellness, spirituality, geopolitics, metaphysics and more. Join us!

Patrick digs into Three main topics in this episode of “It Takes a Long Time to Get Young”

The Cancer Culture being driven by globalist wanting to weaken for easier control is cleaver.

When we “cancel” something we may disagree with we are essentially lowering our spiritual awareness and jumping into

a split mind and false idea of separation. It’s divide and conquer and training us not to communicate and debate issues.

This also keeps our eye off of the ball so they deepen their control mechanisms.

The cancel culture also trains our mind to be even more for or against something or someone.  The big trap  and makes our life

less joyful and productive.

When we go to sleep and get all worked up being against something, it makes it stronger an we get sicker because thinking clearly and carefully

about an issue is virtually impossible with a mind on a hamster wheel, that won’t stop.

Secondly we talked about the whys and reasons we continue to to hook up with the same kind of people who are not for our best good.

We have an image of who we are and hold on to this, so we do the same things over and over again.

Thirdly we give real clarity on engrams, how they get into the body, and why the only way they get released is by us staying conscious with stretching, pandiculation and breathing.

It is necessary to feel and bring to the surface the various emotions the engrams are rooted in.

'Patrick Timpone | As We Hold Onto the False Image of We Think We Are, We Create the Same Problems Every Day | May 3, 2023' has no comments

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