Patrick Timpone

Open Phone Friday

Topic: It Takes A Long Time To Get Young & So Much More

Patrick describes his insights from his early-morning stretching sessions.

“What you believe is what you will experience, and what I believe is what I will experience.”

Patrick elaborates on viruses as a belief system. Do they exist? Do they not exist? Do vaccines exist? Do they not exist?

“Time is created because we create it in our mind and imagination.”

Is time a belief? Is disease a belief? What’s not a belief?

How to we create time and how to we age?

“Dreams are just another reality, and you and I are working things out there every night.”

“It’s really important to have a Master in the human body.”

Patrick describes a specific experience he had while soul traveling.

Atom writes in, “I don’t believe in viruses, bacteria, parasites, tigers, toxins, chemtrails, 5G, mucus, health, disease, Trump, Biden, Gates, or the giants that can allegedly poke us in the eye. I don’t believe in ‘believe’.”

Patrick watched Oliver Stone’s “JFK” movie last night.

A listener writes in, “I was working in the alleged space industry when Kennedy was shot. Employees in our facility were upset and even crying, except one engineer. He said, ‘I never met Kennedy. All I know is what the news tells me. Why should I care what happens to someone I don’t even know?'”

What emotions affect what organs? Anger goes to the liver. What emotion goes to the lungs? To the kidneys? To the heart?

Do toxins age the body, and do we have to detox from them?

Why do Patrick’s Masters advise to stay awake?

What is Patrick’s advice for Valentine’s Day?

What is the Great Reset really about? Why are the technocrats afraid?

Janet Yellen at the G7 summit said, “It’s time to go big,” advocating Modern Monetary Theory to “fix the world and Climate Change,” and “borrowing as much money as it takes to fix it.”

“The only thing that will make the economy crash is if they run out of zeroes,” as Andy Gause used to say.

“These socialists have no idea about how money works.”

What happens to people when they get lots of money?

Patrick recommends watching “The Manchurian Candidate.”

Kate from Glasgow, Scotland, phones in to talk about trusting God.

Patrick and Kate discuss Brexit, the sterling pound, consciousness, Scottish food, and other subjects.

A listener thanks Patrick for everything he does.

A listener advises “confusing your doctor by putting on rubber gloves the same time he does.”

Do any of you want to keep your body for a long time?

How can we not have chosen this time? Why would we incarnate at this time?

How do forces convince us that we don’t have to be responsible?

What happens to the dollar when “the boys” create more dollars?

Why is it good to have a 30-year fixed mortgage?

Does it help us when the government sets our minimum wage?

What does Patrick think about Vladimir Putin and his policies?

Patrick advises watching Putin’s recent speech at Davos. It’s easily found on the internet.

What kind of lady does Patrick want in his life?

“God is in the heart of your beloved.”

Patrick Timpone and It Takes a Long Time to Get Young, February 12, 2021 ONE

Patrick Timpone and It Takes a Long Time to Get Young, February 12, 2021 TWO

'Patrick Timpone – It Takes A Long Time To Get Young & So Much More – February 12, 2021' has 1 comment

  1. February 14, 2021 @ 11:15 am Ron

    Swalwell: ‘We Could Have God Herself’ as a Witness — GOP Still Would Not Convict Trump. Patrick , is there any relation here? Cousin or something ? God “Herself’ ? LOL


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