Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Patrick shares his life episode that inspired “Look and See”, his second screenwriting story.

How is it?  Must “Look and See” how it is.  And that takes effort. 

The world is how we believe it is. 

We’re here to learn that this isn’t where we want to be permanently.  We want to graduate to another level that isn’t so bonkers, and we keep coming back to get it right.

Always be looking for the truth and don’t give up.  Ask for a teacher.  Spirit is always trying to help us learn more about truth.  Realize you’re soul and not body and mind.

The more we ask, the more we receive.  The more we love God, the more God loves us.

Learn about Patrick’s spiritual path at

You don’t need to get your sins forgiven.  Just don’t do them any more.

Unconditional means totally unconditional.  Our dogs have unconditional love for us.  Use that love as an example for how to love your significant other.

Teachers are selective who they share their wisdom with.  Mark 13 3-9 about not sowing seeds on rocky ground and Mark 13 31-31 about the amazing mustard seed.

Tension as a cause of disease.  Don asks how Patrick and Melissa Sell can be so sure German New Medicine works.

Turpentine or maybe MMS or chlorine dioxide don’t kill, they just help the body deal with things.

Most mainstream medicine is built on a house of cards.  Especially COVID.

Some spiritually evolved folks got very sick in December 2019.  Had the worst flu ever.  Were they just ahead of the game in detoxing?

Caller Mark from Mass. turned off church by the way they bowed to the COVID restrictions and shut down services.  Why didn’t they trust God?  Why doesn’t the church tell us the verse where Jesus said we could do everything he did and more? 

Worked on establishing a community garden using wood chips, leaves, and composting, following the wisdom of Paul Gautschi.  See One Radio Network / Paul Gautschi – The Keys to Fertile Soil, Nutrient Dense Food, and Low Maintenance Gardening – September 3, 2015 | One Radio Network plus 3 other ORN shows.

Listener asks about impending food shortages.

Listener asks:  Isn’t doing what you want selfish?

David went to ER because he couldn’t urinate because of enlarged prostate issues.  Family history of cancer.  Interested in Dr. Melissa Sell.  His daughter died unexpectedly in October;  German New Medicine says that trauma would be reflected in reproductive organs.  Use German New Medicine to heal.  Contact Dr. Richard Massey for help with spiritual issues.  Be extremely wary of any surgery.

Mind is software, like a computer, but we are not the mind.  To be awakened means you don’t believe everything. 

David recommended to massage his own prostate with a lubricated finger in the anus.  Also deer exercise.  PSA prostate test can be misleading.

Pre-crime is coming next.

There is no genetic determinism.  What about little infants that die of a “genetic disease”?

Patrick One

Patrick Two

'Patrick Timpone – Looking for Truth; Turpentine & MMS; Genes, Tension & Disease – May 11, 2022' has no comments

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