And once you get involved with this you will never get out of their control…. ever.

Patrick Timpone

When Anything Goes…and Usually Does!!!

Why will believing in falsities make the body age?

Is Omicron variant all made up?  Where is this all going?

Kerry Mullis, creator of the PCR test, said: “ Anyone can test positive for practically anything with the PCR test.”

Staying home, social distancing, wearing masks – saving lives or a scam?

What is in the injections?  Tiny razor-blade particles of graphene hydroxide?

Australia – booster shots and tightening border controls because of Omicron.

How does the theory of non-moveable earth affect our concept of time?

The body is always healing, but we want to stop the healing and take something to make it go away.  The more the body can heat up, the stronger you are.

Media says rise in soccer players suddenly collapsing is just a coincidence.

Is Omicron a ploy to get more vaccines into Africans?  The globalists want the African resources.

Biden says no lockdowns because of Omicron, and they have no authority to impose them, but they like to impose controls in increments.  Will we have lockdowns for Christmas?

Canadian Tim shares his story of being forced to wear a mask for a heart stress test.

Are dairy products estrogenic and feminizing?

Kingsman â€“ a movie to watch, per a listener.

Audio feed of Ghislaine Maxwell trial is available in the US at 844-721-7237  Access Code 9991787.

Outside the US, call 409-207-6951 Access code 9991787

Even lunatic psychopathic pedos are souls.  Souls want to evolve, but the ego takes precedence.  Sexuality is used to keep soul from growing spiritually and Is used to stay sane in the turmoil.  What will come out in time?

Klaus Schwab, Green New Deal, Agenda 21, Own Nothing and Be Happy – they’re going to reset this thing by getting rid of all the debt of those who want to have it taken away. And those people will be selling their souls to the devil.  It’s not about the money, it’s about the control.  There is no free lunch.   

Money only comes into existence when debt is created.  

Will there be a Fedcoin?  Look into pre-1965 currency coins, numismatic coins, Bitcoin, gold, silver, or cash to protect yourself.

8.6 trillion dollars now on the N.Y. Federal Reserve balance sheet, and it’s all borrowed.  The people are 35 trillion dollars in debt.  The US pays 500 billion dollars in interest every year.

Sean from Seattle calls in and discusses finances and cryptos and a company that trades them.  He answers crypto questions from 2 listeners. 

'Patrick Timpone – Most Will Fall for “The Great Reset” , Owning Nothing and Having No Debt – November 29, 2021' have 2 comments

  1. November 30, 2021 @ 8:22 am KMF

    Trusting a third party to trade is dangerous. Sean sounds like greed has ruled his thinking. Especially in an unregulated crypto space. Just a warning to be aware. Anyone guaranteeing anything is suspect.


    • November 30, 2021 @ 8:29 am KMF

      People who chase money for money sake, will do anything for it. And usually aren’t very successful.


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