Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass psychosis or being programmed? Did we go to the moon? Is the world a sphere spinning through space? Join the conversation. We have loads of fun!!

Patrick’s experimenting with real pure sea salt in water everyday of electrolytes and minerals for hydration

What is classic acid reflux the causes and cures

We decided to get back on soaked almonds and just bless the oxalate out of them

Techniques for cleansing the energy out of foods, especially meat

What is our state of consciousness and how it affects what we best eat

dementia in dogs and people and fat

doing physical natural medicines can help see what the spiritual issues are

Fasting one day a week is a cool and doable thing to do.

Discipline and doing what we want and say we are going to do is gaining power on all levels.

Here a video from Mikki Willis of Plandemic on how the would be elite control some humans

World Economic Forum has no authority over anyone

Listeners ask about ground mats and sheets and Patrick believes they are worthless

It’s good to let Souls who are “on their way out” that you are OK with them going and not hang on to them

There is no separation between Soul and Spirit.

Our job is to let God consume us as we surrender to it and retain our free will.

Listener writes in about his wife’s crazy improvement with 20 days carnivore

Patrick feels joining any movement like “Carnivore” and sticking to rules just because is dangerous

Patrick One

Patrick Two

'Patrick Timpone | The State of Mind We’re In When We Eat Determines the Food’s Effect | January 20, 2023' have 2 comments

  1. January 24, 2023 @ 12:25 pm Bruce

    hey Patrick, i was the guy who wrote in about following you into carnivore and you responded to to follow you etc. what i meant by that was first finding out about oxcalates and sally norton. so spent weeks listening to her. then listening to hours of chaffee, kitz and so many others. that is why it took me awhile before i jumped in. did not exactly follow you, but used what you were doing and the people you mentioned and did my own research. so i guess i didn’t follow you. thanks for all you do. also i spoke about my wife as well and she used to be scatching her arms alot and that has stopped as well she no longer is continually eating and snacking. so wonderful to observe.


  2. February 2, 2023 @ 8:22 pm Eric

    Patrick and beloved please add this to your oil epilog. It was not fully, really at all… About oil. The news said Saddam blew up his own oil wells… The Iraq said Cruse missiles hit their wells. Same news who said all the lie about JFK AND 911…
    The U.S. taxpayer never got any money or oil… The antichrist beast system knew long ago oil is everywhere… You just have to get down there. Not shallow oil, deep oil!!! The petrol dollar was a ball and chain. Nothing more.

    Saddam believed he was Nebuchadnezzar reincarnated.. must of been cause how else did know where to dig… he use U.S. And the U.S. used him.
    TO BUY oil, USED THE PROFITS TO dig out as ancient Babylon, the star gate, and the tomb and resurrection chamber OF Gilgamesh… Two weeks after the tomb was found… The deep state run by Yaldabeof, had boots on the ground at the point where artifacts began being dug.

    All this has came to light papper over the last 15 years.


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