Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Patrick talks with listeners about everything under the sun: health, wealth, well being, spirituality, politics. Call in a join us; we have lots of fun!!

Is the snake venom thing a bunch of nothing?

Does heliocentric cosmology underlie our concept of aging?

Learning how to become younger.

Know that all your friends, loved ones, and acquaintances know what you think, what you believe, and what you think of them.  If you don’t speak ill of them and them of you, it’s all love.  Ignore people whose behavior you don’t like.  Boycott, don’t fight.

Nothing is an accident.

It’s our reaction to trauma that causes tissue damage and an engram to be placed.

Spiritual healing works by spirit sending us information and we hear and work with that information.

When you ask God for a healing, be prepared to listen, pay attention, and see what comes in.  What keeps it from working is thinking we know the answer before we ask.

Patrick’s leg rash cleared up by applying Sacred Clay from Vitality Herb & Clay.  An ancient pyrophyllite clay from a deposit near Crater Lake, Oregon.  Thanks to Nancy for the clay suggestion.  An example of spiritual intervention.

Wars stop when we stop trying to kill anything.

Can we transmit anything?  Germs, bioweapons, aerosols?

Listener suggests why COVID-19 was so named.

Supporting ORN is one way to keep intellectual discourse alive.

Evidence the earth is cooling.  Lowering CO2 will reduce greenery.

Listener asks: How does it benefit us to know the earth is flat?

Listener comments that â€œWatch the Water” seems to promote watching water rather than drinking it.

Dehydration is a major cause of strokes.

When we believe a lie, we are lying to ourselves.

First step in dealing with cancer is to do a German New Medicine consult with Dr. Melissa Sell.

For a dog with a tumor, Patrick recommends organic food, such as Cornucopia Pet Foods, as a first step.  Also sulfur.

Bridgette says to keep missing people alive by keeping their name in awareness.

Patrick One

Patrick Two

'Patrick Timpone – When You Ask God for a Healing, Be Prepared to Listen, Pay Attention, and See What Comes In – April 22, 2022' has no comments

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