Paul Ryder

Removing a U.S. President Without an Election

Five times in the last ninety years, elements of the U.S. power structure have tried to oust a sitting president without an election. The efforts were aimed at Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump. Two attempts succeeded and three failed.

Paul Ryder has been research assistant to attorney Leonard Weinglass, Pentagon Papers Legal Defense; national staff, Indochina Peace Campaign; policy director for Ohio Governor Richard Celeste; and organizing director for Ohio Citizen Action. He is the principal author and editor of “The Good Neighbor Campaign Handbook” (2006) and co-editor with Susan Wind Early of “Tom Hayden on Social Movements” (2019). [email protected].

Show highlights:

Why The Pentagon Papers were so powerful
The Pentagon papers analyzed the decision making of the Vietnam War; it was 8,000 pages
The big escalation of the war occurred in 1965
Nixon attempted to have the Pentagon Papers stopped
The main question in an espionage trial: “is the information that has been released of use to an enemy?”
What is the comparison between the Pentagon Papers and WikiLeaks?
The idea of espionage with WikiLeaks
The beauracratic war against Nixon
The research about the Kennedy assassination has ample evidence that the CIA was involved
The conspiracy of President Kennedy’s assassination
What was JFK’s true position on Vietnam?
After Roosevelt became President, he was encouraged to turn America to a fascist country
Who are the people involved in the Russia Gate charges?
Russian Gate is based on no evidence that Russia is an enemy to the US and that they are in compliance with Trump
Why Trump has proven to be harsh on Russia
Looking at Trump actions in compliance with NATO
What is Paul Ryder’s definition of fascism?
We have cold wars with Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela
Current wars with: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Somalia
How the term “globalist” has an anti-sematic history
What is going on between the Pentagon and President Trump?
Trump’s response to the protests
The Vietnam protests had a major impact on Nixon getting out of office

Paul Ryder on the history of The Pentagon Papers, Vietnam and five Presidents that forces tried to get out of office, June 17, 2020

'Paul Ryder – Removing a U.S. President Without an Election – It’s been tried five times in recent history – June 17, 2020' has no comments

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