Dr. Richard Massey & Michelle LaMasa-Schrader PhD



Recall Healing:Name It, Claim It, Let It Go


Recall Healing® is a synthesis made by Gilbert Renaud based on the work of Claude Sabbah with Total Biology (mainly) & Gérard Athias with Biopsychogenealogy and Biology of the physiology; Ryke Geerd Hamer with his concept of New Medicine.

Recall Healing® provides a frame work in order to help and guide an ill person to identify the emotional trauma behind his condition; but also to help anyone who wishes to work preventively to optimize his health. This Recall Healing® modality considers a human being as a “triad”: psyche, automatic brain and body. A disease/behavior is quite often the automatic brain’s response to a stress that occurred in the person’s life. The Recall Healing® specialist helps the client to “recall”. When the client understands “why” he is ill this is already a big part of the healing process. And then, with the help of his health care professional, he completes his healing.(Learn more)


Join Michelle’s Webinar Thru Saturday  by calling 626.533.7019 or email [email protected]

Michelle Schrader and Richard Massey on a two hours of all fascinating aspects of Recall Healing, November 7, 2019 ONE

Michelle Schrader and Richard Massey on a two hours of all fascinating aspects of Recall Healing, November 7, 2019 TWO

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