Steven Guinness

Independent Economic and Geopolitical Analysis

Steve’s blog emanates from the North West of England in Merseyside. Its purpose is to explore economic and geopolitical trends by presenting evidenced based research and analysis.

His hope is for the blog to find people who, like himself, are prepared to countenance alternative theories and perspectives.

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Show highlights:

The central banks are in the middle of reforming their payment system to a digital currency

Who are “They?”

The Trilateral Commission, past, present and future

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin is a former Skull and Bones Member

and so much more!

Steve Guinness and a trip into who are “They” anyway?

'Steven Guinness – Are We the People Being Had? – April 1, 2020' have 8 comments

  1. April 3, 2020 @ 4:02 pm Doc Frank

    Where is the audio file???
    Youtube needs an internet connection and rapidly drains the battery. I listen to you while doing work outside or traveling so this format is useless for me and many people other than couch potatoes . Please give us our soundcloud option back. Thank you


    • April 3, 2020 @ 4:31 pm patrick

      We had/have an issue with it…working on getting it up and about.
      thank you


    • April 7, 2020 @ 2:45 pm Susan

      I agree with Doc. I don’t have time to sit and watch people talking. I download to my mp3 player and listen while I go about my business. No need to watch, nor listen to lots of talk about how the audio isn’t synching with the video. Just the content of these wonderful shows is good enuff for me.


  2. April 4, 2020 @ 6:47 pm nat

    Patrick, thanks for having always given us so many ways to hear the show. Downloads (fr my mp3 player), itunes, you tube adds a new dmension,I have used them all since I generally can’t listen “live”.
    Stay well,


  3. April 6, 2020 @ 9:32 pm Mal

    Friends ….after Patrick post the show, this or most any other, on youtube you can rip audio via many free online sites, no need to buy anything…
    search the interweb for “free youtube audio ripper” follow simple instructions , easy. Good luck.


  4. April 7, 2020 @ 3:20 pm Gee

    I too am keenly looking forwards to audio (only) file to download. Sure I could rip it, you could rip it, we could all waste our time individually ripping it. OR … video adds absolutely nothing to the value for me, as I often listen while driving or doing chores, so I dont watch. Furthermore, downloading is better than streaming, as it can then be shared with others offline, and kept for relistening later.

    Thanks Patrick and team! : )


  5. April 7, 2020 @ 4:37 pm patrick

    This was too long in coming the audio file..I just couldn’t get it to work for some reason and then after reading you all wanting it..I tried again and then “poof” it worked. We put the video file up because the audio thing wouldn’t take for some geeky reason. Thanks for your patience.


  6. February 20, 2021 @ 10:02 am Martin

    What ever happened to Steven? I’ve enjoyed reading his articles, but he’s been quite silent for some months now.


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