The Friday Show

Patrick Timpone with Hannah Walizer

Discussing the Topics Important to You

Each tooth we have is directly tied to one or more organs, joints and vertebrate

Patrick talks about work on a root of a long time crown connected to his bladder, kidney, feet and pineal gland

This dead root was taken out by Dr. Nunnally and replaced with his own blood made into PRP and in a few months will be bone.

The importance of going to a true biological dentist and not just one calling himself this can not be overstated.

Root canals are just bad, wrong and can cause truly bad things to occur in the body including cancer

Many breast cancers have a root canal connection.

People always ask, “Can a root canal be fixed to not be toxic?”

Search for “Tooth-Organ Chart online to find one to study

One has a good chance to find a very good dentist here

One can come to Texas and go to Dr. Nunnally – Lots of out of town patients

Rather than talk about the meaning of life, take action

why do some 100% Carnivores have issues with sleep?

Orange Juice for strengthening veins – It’s the Vitamin C

Why is virtually all media lying about what’s really going on in Ukraine?

Bending the mind, Ego, into changing a long help position is virtually impossible.

What is Astral travel?

Frequent urination is most often and energy lock in the bladder not the prostate as advertised.

Most doctors are totally ignorant of how the human body operates, even the “Natural Ones.”

Patrick found an excellent coconut oil in glass. It’s called, sOLspring

Patrick One

Patrick Two

'The Friday Show | Knowledge of the Teeth/Organ Connection Is Massively Critical for Optimal Health and Longevity | September 22, 2023' has no comments

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