Marjory Wildcraft

Grow Your Own Food

The Grow Network’s founder, Marjory Wildcraft is featured in “Who’s Who in America” for her work in building deep community resilience, restoring heirloom genetics in gardens and livestock, and the return to natural medicine across the Nation.  National Geographic featured Marjory as an expert in sustainable living, and she has hosted Mother Earth New’s online “Homesteading Summit”.   Marjory also hosts the annual Home Grown Food Summit, which reaches hundreds of thousands of viewers every year.

She is best known for her DVD series Grow Your Own Groceries, which has over a half million copies in use by homesteaders, foodies, preppers, universities, and missionary organizations around the world.

Beloved for her humorous, non-judgmental, get ’er done style, Marjory and her husband, Dave, are raising two teenagers in Central Texas. When she’s not building an online network, being “Mom,” and tending her family’s food supply, Marjory loves playing, running, doing gymnastics, skateboarding, acquiring skills from the Paleolithic era (yes, she is part cavewoman!), and experimenting with anything and everything related to food production and sustainability.

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Show highlights:

Marjory tells us why she relocated to Puerto Rico; she adds that the Plandemic did not affect her and she tells us why

Being wealthy is not about money; Marjory tells us what real wealth is

How growing your own food can heal on every level

100sq. ft. garden, a half a dozen laying hens, and a home rabbitry is all you really need

How does the Grow Network? What will you get when you join?

How to build a raised bed; keeping the grass out; which soil to use; watering with rain water

You must think about your soil the same way you think about your gut; testing the soil and cultivating better microbes

Why do some plants get more attacked than others?

The one good thing that came out of the Plandemic is that it has created a whole new group of gardeners

Marjory understands the strong arm of the government

Using open pollinated and heirloom seeds

Why raise rabbits?

Eating liver, the unbelievable superfood

Marjory Wildcraft on growing a garden at home and setting up a small sustainable system to feed yourself and family, October 20, 2020

'Marjory Wildcraft – We’re Facing a Major Food Crisis; Many Reasons to Grow Your Own Food – October 20,2020' has no comments

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