Older tea leaves contain 30,700 milligrams or so per kilogram of aluminum, while young tea leaves only contain 600 milligrams or so of aluminum.

It’s no accident that Mother Nature – a sexy lady indeed – put more aluminum in the WOODIEST species of trees, especially those originating in the STEAMY tropical rain forest.

There’s no such thing as a crisp pickle without aluminum.

It’s used to harden pickles, maraschino cherries, and GELATIN.

Potassium aluminum sulfate is called MING FAN in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Aluminum’s single-color predominance is ORANGE, the auric color of sexuality, sensuality, and gustation (sense of taste).

Sapphire is a variety of corundum, which is aluminum-based and the hardest mineral other than diamond.

The sapphire has long been utilized as a charm against unchastity.

Pope Innocent II insisted that all his bishops protect themselves with rings set with sapphires.

The middle finger is the “sapphire finger,” and the ring finger is the “ruby finger” (another form of aluminum-containing corundum.)

The middle finger is the THERMAL finger, and the ring finger is the LIQUID finger, converting sexual heat into steam heat and “I only have heat for you.”

Too little aluminum gives you a hard brain and soft genitals.

Too much aluminum gives you a soft brain and hard genitals.

The right amount of aluminum – at the right growth-period times – equilibrates your cephalic and phallic dispositions.

CALLOSE polysaccharide is a plant’s version of the beta amyloid found in Alzheimer’s disease.

Callose isn’t only precipitated by aluminum. It’s also precipitated by TRAUMA.

Ditto for the beta amyloid of human Alzheimer’s.

Other aluminum accumulators include bay leaf, celery, oregano, peppermint, spearmint, and thyme.

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Facebook: Atom’s School of Self Healing at Wellness-Wagon.com




'Aluminum Can Supercharge Your Sex Life' have 3 comments

  1. July 27, 2012 @ 9:53 pm atomb

    No, no, no! Don’t even think about buying an aluminum supplement …

    … anymore than you would think about buying a calcium supplement without its humic acid and other important co-factors.

    Calcium, silicon, and boron are also sex enhancers.

    The single-color spectral predominance of all three is ORANGE.

  2. July 28, 2012 @ 6:03 pm John

    Hi Atom,
    regarding Adano’s basic five exercises, how long should each one be held in position for ? What is the best time of day to do them ?

    • July 29, 2012 @ 4:13 pm atomb

      Start out with 30 seconds each three times a day, morning, midday, and evening.

      When you can do each exercise for four minutes each (exercise #4 is a two-part exercise requiring eight minutes total), you can switch to once a day starting with the first exercise at Lung Time, going through Spleen-Pancreas Time, Urinary Bladder Time, and Triple Heater Time, and doing the final exercise at Gall Bladder Time.

      The Basic Five will be taught at Atom’s School of Self Healing and charts will be available.

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