Patrick Timpone

Amanda Love

The Barefoot Cook

Amanda Love is a real food chef. She teaches classes, works with clients at home to get their kitchen top notch and on their way to cooking great tasting real food meals. Amanda is a trained nutrition therapist as well.

Show Highlights:

-Bone broth is incredibly healing for the gut. It is used for autistic children in the GAPS Diet, and a wonderful food for all of us on an ongoing basis. Amanda gives the basics for making bone broth with a complete recipe on her website:

-How to cook bacon the very best way for nutrition and digestibility

-How to slow cook eggs for same results

-Amanda gives us a special way to brine a turkey or all fowl and techniques for roasting

-How to get grass fed liver into your diet balancing blood sugar with protein

-The why’s and ways of slow cooking

-How to cook beans for real digestibility

-The importance of fat for hormone balancing cooking with rendered fat

and so much more!

Visit Website


amanda love on cooking real food for real, november 26, 2012

'Amanda Love – The Barefoot Cook: Tips, Tricks and Love, the Most Important Ingredient in Cooking – November 26, 2012' has 1 comment

  1. November 27, 2012 @ 4:18 pm In the media: The Barefoot Cook interviewed by Patrick Timpone on One Radio Network

    […] Listen to Amanda’s interview on One Radio Network where she touches on such topics as: […]


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