Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“Volition is normal blood pressure. Low blood pressure causes you to drag your feet and be listless, and eventually become catatonic. High blood pressure causes you to be overly concerned with time, with getting things done as quickly as possible. Though low blood pressure and high blood pressure are both problems, if you have to choose between them, pick low blood pressure because high blood pressure kills.”

A focus on “aging” – the perceived running out of time – is a significant cause of “age-related” hypertension.

Father Time’s turf is on the left side of the body, while Mother Nature’s is on the right.

Adano said …

“The brain doesn’t think, it pulsates. Thinking is the rhythmic expansion and contraction of the brain, geared to the respiratory pattern.”

… and …

“The lungs produce blood pressure. God don’t want no competition with a big brain. God is BREATH.”

… and …

“Blood pressure can’t move without respiration, which is God Time in the body.”

… and …

“If you don’t breathe, do you have any pressure? Your brain is not of any use to your body when they cut the cord.”

… and …

“Very fast breathing is a hyper condition, or alkalinity. The breath comes in too soon. High blood pressure results. Breathing too slow is a hypo condition, or acidity. The breath comes in too late.”

The ACCELERATOR for breath is in the left armpit, and the BRAKE is in the right.

Eating almonds for breakfast at Stomach Time (7:00-9:00 am) helps normalize blood pressure.

Adano identified ANTIMONY in almonds as the counteractive agent.

He advised …

“Antimony is found in prune seeds. It challenges your manganese and potassium to shape up. Women should eat the biter prune seed for antimony. It will automatically dilate the mechanism to be more vibrant. You can get antimony from cocoa and tamarind. It helps prevent yeast infections, phases down lung congestion, and slows down pressurization.”

Biological antimony – antimony (V) – protects the keratin filaments inside the cell, crucial for healthy hair, nails, and the outermost level of skin.

Lead and antimony are closely related, and both were used by the ancient people of Egypt and India to protect their eyes against the intensity of desert heat and subtropical sunlight.

Adano said …

“Antimony in the morning works with lead at Thyroid Time.”

Many plants are capable of transmuting toxic antimony (III) into antimony (V).

Chlorella vulgaris is probably the most widely-known example, and it contains both biological lead and antimony.

Lead can increase nitric oxide as much as 240 percent, something men with erectile dysfunction might find interesting.

Antimony and lead are helpful in maintaining a one-to-one penial/brachial ratio, an optimum index ratio for erectile force and function.

Thanks to my awesome business partner Leni Pratte of Walnut Creek, California, comprehensive information on BIOLOGICAL ALCHEMY (all the chemistry) is now available at :)




'Ancient Alchemy Meets Blood Pressure' have 7 comments

  1. February 9, 2012 @ 5:39 pm atomb

    Swami Nitty-Gritty said, “Alchemy is the science of the soil. Man is a living module of chemistry built by the alphabet. How the hell do you think this world was put together if there were no chemicals in it?”

    You can help us SPREAD THE WORD and give Atom’s School of Self-Healing a California brick & mortar address as soon as possible …

    Atom Bergstrom
    Facebook: Atom’s School of Self-Healing at

    SOLAR NUTRITION ALCHEMY will assuredly be part of our curriculum. :)

    The word “PERIODIC” links Solar Nutrition to the Periodic Table of the Elements.

  2. February 9, 2012 @ 7:12 pm Jim

    I had cobalamin tonic at 2:20am this full moon and then meditated from 2:30 until 3:15 and then went back to bad for a few hours and woke up with a tight diaphragm. Would I have been better off sleeping upright in a chair or recliner?

    Thanks for taking my call on monday.
    As a response to this weeks show on Black Walnut availability. Yes, No, Maybe.
    Yes, you can get(unhulled)black walnuts, as countless dozens are tossed aside and cursed by multi-decade stewards in late october. No, black walnuts are very rarely available in health food stores. Maybe; with the assistance of a hammer or heavy duty nutcracker you can enjoy them all winter. A secret for happy wisconsin thyroids. Coming from someone who has a 5 gallon pale dried and waiting to be cracked :)

    • February 10, 2012 @ 4:03 am atomb

      A recliner is ideal. Swami Nitty-Gritty was a huge fan of recliners, both for space travel in rockets and for “space travel” in meditation. :)

      Black walnuts help iodine UPTAKE, compared to other iodine foods that store it in the body but not in the thyroid.

      Enjoy those freshly cracked black walnuts. :)

      I’ve been told there’s custom nutcrackers made specifically for black walnuts.

  3. February 10, 2012 @ 4:12 am atomb

    Re: OK how do you reach conclusion O2 is Consciousness?

    I’m partial to Adano’s idea of Beingness being more significant than Consciousness.

    Consciousness seems concerned with “mindfulness” and continuity while Beingness is the history of Becoming.

    I’d like to have a clue about how a gazillion-jillion-zillion tons of “stuff” – quantum and otherwise – got here more than about how “stuff” evolved consciousness.

    I’d label myself an Existentialist except for the fact that most Existentialists commit suicide. :(

    I’m more interested in the microtubules in the white matter (glial cells) of the brain than in the gray matter (nerve cells).

    Sometimes it seems I’m in a galaxy far, far away from Wolfgang Pauli, Carl Jung, Sir Roger Penrose, and Stuart Hameroff.

    But Penrose and Hameroff are surely on track about current science not having a clue about how to explain consciousness.

    I’m suspicious of looking for reality in all the small places (microcosms stacked over microcosms like turtles on top of turtles all the way down) or in all the large places (macrocosms stacked under macrocosms like turtles underneath turtles all the way up).

    I like Dr. Emanuel Revici’s “Russian nesting doll” interpretation of the Periodic Table, combining Newtonian and quantum physics, the first being electrostatic, homotropic, and catabolic, and the second being quantum, heterotropic, and anabolic.

    I’m also a big fan of John T. Nordberg who casts string theory aside with his idea that “time” is equal to and the same thing as the speed of light …

  4. February 11, 2012 @ 1:20 am Ryan

    Atom – I find that Black Walnut shows up in a lot of “Parasite Cleanses” on the market (I think there’s an Amish version that Patrick spoke about) – here’s one from Jameth Sheridan ( – Ingredients: (Proprietary formula) Black Walnut Hull, Wormwood Herb, Cloves, Milk Thistle Seed Extract, Wasabi Extract, & Enzymes (Protease, Amylase, Cellulase, Lipase).

    I’m sure the wormwood is potent – isn’t that uses for Absinthe?

    Any way, what’s your take on the Black Walnut and it’s role in cleansing the innards of, ahem, parasites!??


    • February 11, 2012 @ 4:00 pm atomb

      Yes, the dose is important when using wormwood because it’s a poison.

      Yes, black walnut HULLS are antiparasitic.

      A potent parasite cleanse (get advice from a competent holistic health adviser) is …

      (1) black walnut hulls in the morning,

      (2) pumpkin seed in the afternoon, and

      (3) 100% agave tequila, pineapple juice, and aloe vera in the evening.

      Fresh pineapple juice works best.

      This must be done for at least one month to deal with both the parasites and their EGG CYCLE.

  5. February 11, 2012 @ 3:08 pm atomb

    Re: prune wine?

    Antimony is only in the prune seed, according to Swami Nitty-Gritty.

    But the fruit of a prune’s …

    (1) chlorogenic acids balance blood sugar,

    (2) neochlorogenic acids increase a prune’s iron absorption and are possibly chemopreventive, and

    (3) natural sorbitol aids colon function without the gastrointestinal syndromes and eye problems associated with industrial “chewing gum” sorbitol.

    Natural sorbitol prevents dental caries.

    Neochlorogenic acids inhibit melanin-involved pigmentation on the skin and in the iris.

    All three of the above ferment, and (so far) I’m clueless about how fermentation affects their chemical properties.

    If you soak black walnuts in your prune wine or cordial (or cherry wine), you’ll create an excellent breakfast tincture of iodine. :)

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