Andrew Gause
Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money†and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Booksâ€. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646
Show Highlights:
-The people who own Dollar, Inc has given a low blow to China; Andrew explains
-Why did China devalue their currency last week? By devaluing their currency they can ‘eat up’ the import market; this is a classic currency war
-What can we expect in the near future financially? Andrew says, “waves of defaults”
-Silver’s up and ‘inflation’ is the word; keeping the dollar as high as it can to squeeze out the BRIC nations
-Why Andrew likes tangible assets
-Will the coming surge in the dollar mean a drop in gold?
-It costs $1.31 Canadian to buy a US dollar. A Canadian listener wouldlike to know how the exchange rate of the Canadian Dollar would affectbuying gold or silver coins.
-Andy comments on Fed efforts to hike interest rates being thwarted by the upcoming recession
–Question from a listener:How does Andy see this fall playing out? Especially globally for Europe and the UK. There are a lot of collapse stories from the collaps-a-tarians…Will there be a “run” on precious metals or will this only start when interest rates are actually increased and the masses purchase physical if available?With the electronic printing machines in full swing how messy do you see it getting and how quickly?
-Donald Trump on immigration; Andy shares an innovative idea on the subject that someone needs to share with ‘the Donald’
–A listenercomments on Andy’s statement about ETF’s:The 2x and 3x inverse ETF’s are very dangerous. Leverage works bothways. If there is decrease in rates, the loss in value is very fast.Also, since the movement of these funds are based on daily movements,any choppy action in the rates will also cause a rapid loss in valuein those ETFs. Please be very careful before investing in thosefunds.
-Robert calls in to inquire about how his wife should deal with taking a retirement payment: Should she take the lump sum or the pay out over several years? Andrew shares his ideas and some staggering numbers on what American workers have in their retirement savings
-The oil service companies like Schlumberger and Halliburton announced recently that they will be exchanging their labor in American oil drillers for a percentage or share of their oil sales in the future, as they know these companies are cash strapped and having difficulties.
Desperation or good business?
Andy’s take on the Iran deal. The Boys just don’t give it away. What is Dollar inc. really up to?
If oil goes to $35 or $40 so, Russia and Iran will be hurting seriously. Is this the boys plan?
–A listener asks: Are not markets larger than governments – therefore if investors demand more yield on government bonds, won’t governments have to respond – thereby driving interest rates up and inflation down?
–Question from a listener:What investing/savings advice can you offer for a 26 year old male who after expenses nets $1800 cash per month. I recently purchased a few gold and silver proofs direct from the U.S. Mint. Should I purchase proofs or uncirculated? How much gold vs silver would you advise? What percent of my monthly profits should I invest in physical gold? What is your opinion on gold stock like ABX at the moment? I am thinking long term investing.
–Question from a listener:I would like to sell a box of silver eagles. I would take a loss and claim it for the current tax year. Then, I would like to buy numismatic coins. Where should I sell them? My local coin store? Are there other places to sell? For tax reasons, I assume these should be separate transactions with different parties? Should I wait for some period after the sale before buying coins?
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andrew gause and the real world of money, august 19, 2015, hour one
'Andrew Gause – Are You Prepared for the Rainy Day That May Be A Fall Storm? – August 19, 2015' have 4 comments
August 19, 2015 @ 1:51 pm k
Fed said today, 46 % chance September rate hike.
August 19, 2015 @ 9:57 pm Sum Ting Wong
The Fed says a lot of things that never happen….better known as jawboning. We shall see………..
August 20, 2015 @ 3:53 am Michael Harvey
Thursday August 20th 2015
The announcement by the Fed’ yesterday was summed up by the response in the gold price rise. Even those with a vested interest in the stock markets are becoming wise to the huffing and puffing of Janet Yellen regarding interest rates. The Federal Reserve have now blocked themselves into a corner with their idiotic policies and the free market is beginning to speak. The way I view America from across the ‘Pond’ is that her economic policies are weak her foreign policy is even weaker and this will cause the American Empire to fall.
You cannot police 150 countries around the world have an 18 trillion dollar deficit (undisclosed liabilities of 200 trillion dollars) and continue to kid the world that America is the only country that does not have economic woes.
I am not being unkind to America, just trying to be practical. Leadership is wanting on all fronts.
As Alexander the Great said “I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion”.
Mike Harvey
Resident in Ireland
August 21, 2015 @ 6:35 pm kevin
The dollar will fail. Not sure why Andy thinks the dollar won’t fail. All fiat currencies fail.