Andrew Gause
Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money†and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Booksâ€. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646
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NAFTA transforms to USMCA. What’s the deal. Involves 1.2 Trillion in trad
GE and Sears have lost virtually all value from their glory days.
Central Banks World Wide are raising interest rates, slowing money printing and global debt increasing in monumental proportions. Andy gives his analysis of all these factors.
U.S. debt increased 1.3 Trillion in fiscal year 2018
Amazon raising their minimum wage to $15 per hour
Italian Banks and Bonds may be the Achilles heal of the entire EU financial system. Big systemic risks
21 Trillion in bonded debt, 70 Trillion in unfunded liabilities and 30 Trillion in dollars out there in the World
12 Trillion in US Treasury bonds will come due in the next five years
in 1913 President Wilson initiated the first income tax. It was 1%
1879 began a World Wide Monetary Union being worked on and plays out to this day
Andy details out “The Chicago Plan” a brilliant vision of how things could work, with no income taxes, if the USG would simply take over the Federal Reserve Bank of NY
We have an interesting conversation about 9 11 and the planes and the trillions missing from the Pentagon spending budget
Some emails:Â This question/comma is for Andy
It may be that Trump is every bit as good of a president as you have often said he is and I too like his economic policies as I tend to think like you in that regard. Though it may be true the elite want to get him out of power. Trump does little to help himself with his behavior. He has given them so much fuel that all they need to do it light the match. If they get him out of office he can mostly blame himself.
A question Andy states that there is 3 times more debt than money to pay for it. What does he count as debt? what does he count as money? how does he see the interplay of these two things being significant at this point being as compared to 3.4 times more debt than money? Why is this a turning point and not some other time, and how does this moment compare to history and other countries in their economic outcomes .
Last week’s show was really good with a mix of historical information and current economic data !
Andy, could you continue with your “rare coin of the week” series in the Real World of Money show? I find fascinating many coin histories and pedigrees.
How can an individual setup a trust fund and manage the fund themselves?
All the commercials are telling me to buy gold and silver to hedge, protect, preserve, etc., my wealth…which type of gold and silver should I use in horse trading aspects? Are these coins that are being sold really worth anything. They tell me to get out of fiat money, and buy gold and silver. But if fiat money were really that bad, then why take my paper money and you give me gold? All you are telling me is that my fiat dollars is ok. Why not take another form of payment other than fiat dollar’s.
What’s the general inflation outlook now that King Bezos has upped the anti… and gifted his serfs a token of his appreciation for helping make him the “wealthiest” (net worth) dude on earth?? When do you expect the last piece of the puzzle (wages) will finally kick in… and make us all “Filet Mignon” munchers?
Question for Andy: If one had a piece of land and wanted to put a house on it to live in themselves, would a pre-fab be as good as a stick built structure?
Gm. Can you ask Andy to give his take on the presidential emergency drill that was rescheduled from last week to today and is it really a test or the real deal and some. Thx
That Pentagon figure is over $8 Trillion now…which is more money than they were budgeted.
Aluminum airplanes cannot slice into a building. Those videos are CGI. Absolute fakes. Basic physics. Wings should have sheared off. No planes means no Muslim hijackers!
After the Gold Standard in 1971, please, remind everyone what went down the drain on the last day of President Bill Clinton?
(when he revoked the financial regulations in place keeping regular depositors’ money and savings AWAY from all other investment funds.)
Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money, October 3, 2018 ONE
Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money, October 3, 2018 TWO
'Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – Better that Nine Guilty Go Free Than One Innocent Person Go to Jail – October 3, 2018' have 2 comments
October 6, 2018 @ 2:32 pm Dirk schelfhout
I remember a lot off people saying intrest rates could never go back up, because there is not enough tax money to pay for the intrest on debt. I don’t remember the exact nr’s , but from memory almost all tax money went to paying off intrest on debt. ( 80 % ) Now intrest rates have already doubled so where does the money come from to pay the intrest ? Or do they want war with china china so they dont have to pay up ?
October 12, 2018 @ 9:48 am patrick
Interest rates always go this way and that. In the early 1980’s when gold went to $850 (from $100 in the early 70’s), interest rates on mortgages were about 15%,
U.S. interest on bonded debt is about 400 Billion a year and will be going up from here with rising rates and the bond bubble. One of the reasons the President is not happy with the FED Charman….so interest is only a portion of tax revenues. In general, when they run out of cash to do anything, they just borrow more from the FED,