Andrew Gause



Three hours of insights, opinions and forecasting on this last Real World of Money Show of 2018


Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Books”. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time.

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Some of the topics we discussed during this three hour show:

Fed raising interest rates: Credit Card interest goes up, Banks pay more to borrow, buy less stocks, higher costs of money, banks create money but play by the rules, Treasury interest payments go up

U.S. Treasury Bond: Banks pledge a bond and borrows 100% of value, Banks buy treasury debt, NY Fed owns 1.4 Trillion in Treasury Debt, Interest rates on Bonds go up the value of existing Bonds go down

National Debt:  22 Trillion Dollars, Interest on debt 375 Billion per year,  Principal is never paid,  Fiscal 2019 is 1.3 Trillion in the red, Most debt is a two year variable rate debt compliments of The Obama Administration

Corporate Debt: Billions of Corporate debt have been downgraded from AAA, 9 Trillion in big Corporation debt, More debt added since 2008

Home Mortgage:  The most potent thing for your Dollar, don’t prepay mortgage, little down as possible, longest mortgage term as possible

Housing:  Zero interest rates created a bubble, the housing bubble is now bursting as well, housing prices will fall now

Gold and Silver investing:  increasing the monetary system is baked in the cake

Derivatives:  1.4 Quadrillion in derivatives, 1,400 Trillion in bets between two parties of what may or may not happen, Hedge Funds and big bankers also called the Dark Pool make these bets, Shadow Banking, 

Glass Steagall in 1998: Bill Clinton’s Administration, Financial products and banking are intertwined.

Annuity:  200K Annuity in 2006 at 6% is this a good deal?, Interest rates go up, annuities go down in value, gold and sliver coins are the perfect hedge for this case, 

Government spending:  First in spending on health care and 25th. as far as results,  Education number one and way down on this for results,  Health care centered on treating the symptoms with drugs, No preventive care or nutrition

Obama Care: Supreme Court says it’s OK,  Lower Courts say it is Unconstitutional, Words of Art, Supreme Court political decision, made health care un affordable, Single payer ultimate motive to control all the dollars 

Fascism: Government colludes with business, Government used to destroy competition 

Censorship:  Green Med Info banned on Pintrest for views on vaccine, concerted effort to destroy Alex Jones, DOJ investigating people not a crime, Hate speech

Globalist:  Tri-Lateral Commission, Fabian Socialist, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations


Andrew Gause and Real World of Money, year end show, December 19, 2018

'Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – It Was the Best of Years and It Was the Worst of Years – December 19, 2018' has 1 comment

  1. December 22, 2018 @ 2:42 pm Dirk Schelfhout

    the stuff about gates and apple was all wrong.
    Apple was first with GUI and mouse. They got the idea from somewhere else. Can’t say exactly without looking it up.
    That was the birth of the macintosh. microsoft wrote some great software for it , the birth of excel.
    IBM paid microsoft huge amounts of money to write something similar for them, that was OS2. Microsoft screwed IBM and used most of the money to build the first crapy version of windows.


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