Andrew Gause


Show Highlights:

-The deal today assures the dollar will be inflated more

-The deal today will be bullish for all commodities

-20% of everyone’s payroll check goes to D.C. every week.

-There’s enough cash coming in to pay interest on the debt and not default without raising the debt ceiling.

-President Obama was groomed and chosen by the boys to do what he does

-Think about he Lehman moment five years ago, nothing has changed only it is bigger.

-Congress, The Media et all will not talk about the “Trust Funds” with zero dollars, such as Social Security and Medicare.

-2008 was a controlled demolition Andy comments on Jim Rogers talking about China, Russia and the dollar

-Another conversation about Bitcoin comparing to dollar and gold.

-Oh the good ole days with a private Swiss Bank Acccount
-When Goldman says sell good to their customers and Buffet saysBuy stocks. What to do?

-Andrew gives the short course on jurisdiction

an so much more!

andrew gauseAndrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Books”. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646

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andrew gause and the real world of money, october 16, 2013, hour one

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