Andrew Gause



Andy’s Remix of archive shows

A compilation from shows in late September and Early October, 2008.  These aired a few
weeks after Lehman failed and “The Great Recession” began to kick it.

You’ll hear some interesting analysis from Andrew on how the money was created at the Federal Reserve Bank of  New York to purchase toxic assets from the banks that own the FED.  These toxic asserts were created by the wagering of  borrowed money on synthetic instruments such as Mortgage Backed Securities, and insurance on the viability of  these derivatives as well as bad business practices  by Insurance broker AIG.

There was some real creative smoke and mirrors and cooking the books during these months, headed by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, former head of Goldman Sachs.

And another lesson in how and why the Treasury should not audit, not end, but take over the Federal Reserve Banks

Before we air the show Patrick will go over lightly some of the top financial stories from sources gained during the last ten years with Andrew’s guidance.

  • U.S. real spending crashes in December ’18, generally one of the biggest months.  Something coming?
  • NY and Atlanta FED sees GDP tumbling below 1%  Will the globalist do all they can the next couple of years to smash the economy just to topple President Trump?
  • 18 Really Big Numbers That Show That The U.S. Economy Is Starting To Fall Apart Very Rapidly
  • FED signalling lower interest rates coming and more bond buying
  • Federal Deficit soars as interest payments tracking at 600 Billion a year.
  • U.S. consumers are getting tapped out.  Highest rates on credit cards, auto loans, home mortgages and overall delinquencies booming
  • Congratulations Women, Judge rules they should draft you too

You can reach Andrew’s company, SDL at 800.468.2646

Visit Website


03.06.19 Here’s a remix of archive shows in the fall of 2008 detailing how the Treasury and The Banks cooked the books to have TARP benefit the bankers, March 6, 2019 Two Plus Hours

'Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – The Fall of 2008 and Details of How The Bankers Made Off With The Booty with TARP – March 6, 2019' have 4 comments

  1. March 8, 2019 @ 8:50 pm laura

    Amazing isn’t it. They are becoming bolder with each passing day…


  2. March 9, 2019 @ 1:01 pm Greg

    Great Show Patrick. Thank You.


  3. March 13, 2019 @ 7:07 pm Glenn

    Andy and Patrick, you two are the best! We’re all going to miss Andy – the smartest financial expert I’ve ever known. I’m so saddened that he isn’t with us anymore. And Patrick, we’re here to support you and your terrific show. Thank you for all your hard work. We love all that you do.


  4. August 14, 2019 @ 1:51 am Elliott T.

    Bonds are the weakest link because of their worldwide stranglehold on industrialized societies. This mortifies lawyers and economists that are taking note. In the U.S. municipalities and states are controlled by bond indentures. Note that civil servants are not “indentured”, but the citizens served are the enslaved. But wait! Did we not hear that many pension funds, both state and local, are not funded? Oh, oh…


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