Wednesday, November 1


Andrew Gause

Special Show

The Release Last  Week of JFK Files Held Secret for 54 Years

Andrew Gause has been a long time student/researcher and scholar on the JFK Assassination.  Last week
nearly 3,000 files were released on the President’s order.  These secret files have been hidden since
1963.  President Trump has said the remaining files the CIA wanted held back will be coming out very soon at his

Was the CIA involved in the murder if JFK?

How many shots were fired, and now absolute proof Oswald was not alone?

Was President Johnson and other then, “Future Presidents” involved?

Where the Russians in on the plot?

Who forged the autopsy photos?

How many of the witnesses met an untimely death after the assassination?

The motives:  Vietnam, The Bay of Pigs, The Printing of U.S. notes, by passing the FED…we talk about it all.

             Andrew follows the trail of President Nixon in this affair

Who Benefited from the murder?

Surgeon Generals says shot fired from the front entered JFK’s throat

The Watergate Burglary was about Nixon’s words “The Whole Bay of Pigs thing…” which was code for JFK’s assassination

Newly released document quotes FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover that you must hear


Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Books”. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646

Kennedy Assassination scholar Andrew Gause on the newly released JFK Files, November 1, 2017 ONE

Kennedy Assassination scholar Andrew Gause on the newly released JFK Files, November 1, 2017 TWO

'Andrew Gause – The JFK Files Examined by Kennedy Assassination Scholar – November 1, 2017' have 3 comments

  1. November 1, 2017 @ 9:10 pm John

    JFK to 911, a rich mans trick


  2. November 2, 2017 @ 1:52 pm David

    Did you mean Assignation or Assassination?


  3. November 6, 2017 @ 8:18 pm Matt Grantham

    Good stuff please consider Andrew continuing on Nov 22 He said it was Bush’s son who was in charge of security. I believe he misspoke since there was no little shrub


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