Andrew Gause


Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Books”. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646

Show highlights:

-Haitian official who exposed the Clinton Foundation found with gun shot to the head.

-77 cents of every tax dollar collected is necessary to service the existing debt.  Trump’s original budget even with many unpopular cuts would have run a $600 billion deficit this year.

-Obamacare will continue to drain the Treasury and crash and burn on its own.

-Don’t store Federal Reserve Notes, cash them into something useful.  Storing FRN is like storing casino chips and not cashing them in.

-Bitcoin miners undermine the premise of a fixed supply of bitcoins.  Volatility is built into the bitcoin system – might be a good place for speculators.

-Goldman Sachs has patented their own cryptocurrency.  Over 800 cryptocurrencies now.

-John asks: What about investing in companies that use block chain technology?

-Numismatic coins have a track record of 240 years.  It’s all about supply and demand.

-Federal Reserve buffers boom and bust cycles.  They sell when everyone buys, and vice versa.  They now have $4.5 trillion in bad debt from buying to buffer the 2008 crash.

-For the last 8 years, people bought bonds because of low interest rates.  Created a Bond Bubble.

Hour 2

-Old rules of investment, paying off debt early and saving, are outmoded because modern money loses its value in time and functions differently than how money used to.  Must first convert federal reserve notes into real money, and can then hold onto that.

-The boys have a plan to abolish paper currency.  Would fix the problem of having $15 trillion in people’s accounts but only $1.5 trillion of paper money.

-Division of spoils going on in Iraq.  Moving to dollar-denominated debt from the dinar.

-Joseph says Andy is wrong to assume the dollar will crash.  An economy crumbles from the periphery to the core.  Value will flock to dollars in the absence of gold, and we’re only in a short-term downward oscillation.

-Listener questions Andy’s advice to keep property mortgaged.

-Demand for retail space is decreasing.  Demand for warehouses is increasing.

-Amazon has $8.5 billion in Prime memberships.  Amazon’s key to success is vertical integration.

-Robert asks about Medicare.  Can enroll 3 months before 65 and up to 3 months after with no penalty.

-Nuclear batteries made from encasing nuclear waste in diamonds.

-D asks: How about investing in cannabis companies?  Do your homework.  Returns depend on management of the company.  Patrick likes Hemp Paste.

-Bill in Denver wants to know if Andy will be attending the American Numismatic Conference in Denver starting August 1.

-Rey concedes to Andy that Bitcoins are a Ponzi scheme.

-Ronnie asks how America devolved into one of the worst ranked healthcare systems in the world.

-Medicare trust fund will be exhausted in 2034.  $2.3 trillion now owed to the trust fund will be gone by then.

-Helen said a lot of dollars were sent to Iraq under General Mattis to pay off the warlords, and that’s the real reason hostilities declined.

-If there’s a need for more people to work, why are wages so stagnant?  Liberal arts college graduates don’t have the skill sets needed by the market.

-Current practice of just-in-time inventory management.  Walmart imposes a fine on early deliveries.

-In San Francisco, can qualify for subsidized affordable housing with an income of $138,000.

-In places where a work requirement has been imposed on food stamp recipients, the number of people on food stamps went down.
-Andy suggests cities provide a direct grant to anyone willing to start a business in town, rather than spending the money on downtown revitalization.
-A potential government shutdown in September would have catastrophic effects.  Plans to raid the Government Securities Investment Fund of the government employees retirement system to pay the government bills.  Plus use the $10.48 billion in current US gold bullion reserves.  Will still be short by $70 billion for the 4th quarter.   Selling the entire gold reserve wouldn’t pay the bills for more than 3 hours and wouldn’t pay the debt for more than a week.

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Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money, July 19, 2017, Part One

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money, July 19, 2017, Part Two

'Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – July 19, 2017' has 1 comment

  1. July 27, 2017 @ 1:09 pm David Avoura King

    You mentioned a list of free educational resources, which you were going to post online somewhere. Is it on your site somewhere?

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