Andrew Gause


Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Books”. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646

The Real World of Money New


Show Highlights:

-Try to find an American made bicycle; all the manufacturing has been driven out of the country.

-The issue of trade is something few understand.

-The party that builds bridges put a wall around the entire convention center because of the protests.

-Patrick tells Andrew about an interesting video we’ve been running on the front page.

-Obama and the Clintons are smoking and inhaling according to Andrew; Andy tells us about the REAL job numbers. Elon Musk is keeping his manufacturing in the country even though it’s costing him a fortune to do so.

-Why won’t they cut the corporate tax rate? How many companies would come back to the U.S.

-Are federal credit unions safer than banks? Andrew recommends having your money in one of the banks that owns the Federal Reserve.

-Will gold be confiscated in the future? Andy tells us to just look back into history for the answer. Confiscation is unlikely, but you could be forced to sell, at a low price of course.

-Andrew talks about Deutsche Bank, the riskiest bank in the global financial system.

-The ECB is about to release the results of it’s stress test

-Question from a listener:If the company that processes my company’s payroll uses Chase and Deutsche Bank, should we be alarmed by their use/connection to Deutsche Bank, and what’s your feel for when Deutsche Bank may fail and what will the impact look like, worldwide?

-Can the Italian banks do the same thing Iceland did? Iceland is doing pretty well now; Andrew gives details.

-Question from a listener:Not long ago on the show, Andy mentioned an encyclopedia he recommends to some of his more serious clients. He said the book contained information on a coins survival rate, their likelihood of being stashed in Europe and brought back later, etc. I would like to know the title of this book, and how much does Andy sell them for?

-Whichgood numismatic coins would Andy recommend in the $500-$1000 range?

-The ‘selfie’ says it all. Andrew has never seen a more selfish generation than the twenty somethings of today.

-Question from a listener:What would happen if one of the major candidates were mortally wounded just prior to election day? Would the election be suspended and Obama remain in power? Would the Vice Presidential candidate take the place of the Presidential candidate? Would the party insert someone else in the slot to replace the deceased candidate? Martial Law? ETC? Has this scenario ever happened in our history?

-Question from a listener:In order to prevent the sale of gold holdings in an emergency situation such as job loss what’s Andrews opinion of having a 6 month to 1 year T bill ladder at treasury direct? Or other emergency fund recommendations?

-Question from a listener:Since the Federal Reserve Board is located in — and beholden to — the District of Columbia Illuminati, which has been a private corporation since 1871, isn’t the Fed Board therefore automatically also a private entity — NOT a public one?

-Will we ever be able to back our currency with assets like gold?

-Question from a listener:How did we get out of the Great Depression?Also, how do I prove to my friends that the Federal Reserve is NOT part of USG?

-Questions from a listener:1. If you were boss of the system what would you like to do to change America.Like get rid of NAFTA. 2. What do you teach your kids so they will prosper in this system of corruption?

-If Donald Trump is elected, things will be bad; if Hillary is elected, things will be even worse.

-Is there any reason for a small business owner to stay in business if Chillary wins?

and so much more!!

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andrew gause and the real world of money, july 29, 2016, hour one

'Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – Either Way, We’re Going Into the Doo Doo Pile – July 29, 2016' have 2 comments

  1. July 30, 2016 @ 7:37 am David

    Don’t you worry Andy, they won’t confiscate your
    Silver as long as it is in bullion form!


  2. July 31, 2016 @ 2:04 am All Pants- No Yoga

    this is an important documentary on America’s lying media, incredible revealed stories in this one, please link to it


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