Andrew Gause


Andrew Gause - The Real World of Money

Andrew Gause

Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for thehighest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in.Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognizedexpert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Books”. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrewpersonally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646



Show Highlights:

-We hear audio from Harry Dent and David Stockman arguing inflation and Andrew retortspiece by piece. A real learning experience.

-“They” say don’t talk about religion and politics…well, we break that rule today

-In the Mid East religion and politics are one in the same

-The dollar is the first reserve currency to be floated without any backing whatsoever

-Consumer debt tops 11 Trillion Dollars, so banks are lending

-President Obama wants to alter the tax code with Executive Order

-Jebb Bush looks like “The Chosen One” for the Republicans

-How foreign manufactures can sell things to us without paying taxes and howcorporations like Apple can legally avoid taxes

-Tariffs are crucial to level the playing field and re introducing manufacturing to U.S.

-Basel III in effect today, Andy says move along nothing here of worth

-The Net Neutrality Act is not going to be good for us internet users

-The Greece Goldman connection and why Greece can’t just print their own currency again

-Good information on Trusts

and so much more!!


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andrew gause and the real world of money, march 4, 2015, hour one

'Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – Presenting Arguments for Both Inflation and Deflation: Which Will It Be? You Decide – March 4, 2015' have 2 comments

  1. March 4, 2015 @ 6:16 pm Galina

    I think Andrew constantly underestimates a will of people on this planet to be free and have a free honest trade… Maybe he should visit Russia and meet Russian people maybe he will change his point of view, bcs these are the only few countries left on this planet that are not following banking system… And trying to defend themselves from constant attempts to destroy them.. People in Russia live different lifestyle – not a consumerism but balance sort of life not to much stuff but pretty much no mortgages and almost everybody have summer houses with big gardens and grow their own food… no taxes.. Not extravagant lifestyle…but very practical..Here in NA everybody forced to have sky high mortgages and work tree jobs and by corporate food… one month vacation all in one shot..Even there is more money for thinks here, at the end it is kinda totally different lifestyle and I think people beginning to wake up to this fact and downsizing and just want to feel this freedom even if it is for a couple last years. PS, Russian people are very very good people, smart and intelligent for most part. Dedicated to my mom who passed away four weeks ago in Russia


  2. March 4, 2015 @ 6:19 pm Galina

    PS, her name is Love in Russian – Любовь!


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