Animal Communication

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

I met Mary L. Brennan at Sandi Gekler’s house in Fairhope, Alabama.

Sandi introduced her as a veterinarian and animal communicator.

I’d met my share of animal communicators in places like Sedona, and was duly under-impressed.

But the proof is in the pudding, so I just sat back and watched.


Sandi’s cat was sick, and Mary started to give it a chiropractic adjustment. Mary was sitting in a chair with the cat on her lap.

The cat tried to squirm out of Mary’s hands, so she announced, “Wait a minute. I have to talk to the cat.”

She put her head down to the level of the cat, and whatever she told it was inaudible.

“The cat says it’s OK,” and Mary did her adjustment. Several vertebrae noisily moved, but the cat didn’t move an inch.

Next, Mary stuck a single acupuncture needle into the cat. The cat started to squirm again.

“I have to talk to the cat again,” Mary said, and put her head down next to the cat.

“The cat says it’s OK again,” she said, sticking several more needles into the cat.

The cat stayed motionless in Mary’s lap for several minutes.

Mary told Sandi to give the cat some Rescue Remedy, and the cat would be fine.

That was my introduction to Mary L Brennan, DVM, author of The Natural Dog: A Complete Guide for Caring Dog Lovers and Complete Holistic Care and Healing for Horses: The Owner’s Veterinary Guide to Alternative Methods and Remedies.


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