Anyone Want a $51 Burrito?

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

According to the villainous predatory elites who want to enslave us …

“Agenda 21 sets out a plan of action to guarantee that life in the next millennium will change substantially for the better. It was endorsed by the world’s governments at the U.N. Conference on Environment and Development, in Rio de Janeiro, in June 1992.”

Life will change for the better for WHOM?


John Kerry’s family private jet farted out over 300 metric tons of carbon since Biden took office.

That’s 661,387 pounds of carbon.

The average passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide PER YEAR.

That’s 10,141 pounds of carbon.

John Kerry, our errant climate envoy, owns six homes, two yachts, 12 cars, plus his Gulfstream G-IV private jet.

Meanwhile, we’ll own nothing and be happy and “eat ze bugs” in smart cities.


Meanwhile, according to CNBC (“Davos 2023”) …

“Hungry attendees at this year’s World Economic Forum may have found some of the food a little hard to stomach, with some eye-popping prices in some locations.

“Just a stone’s throw away from the main Davos Congress Center, the fancy Steigenberger Grandhotel Belvedere was charging punters 49 Swiss francs ($51) for a burrito on its ‘snacks’ menu.

“It was accompanied by a small bowl of guacamole and salsa. For comparison, a burrito in Taco Bell can cost as little as $2.

“A portion of French fries was also on offer at the Belvedere for 21.50 Swiss francs ($22.41).”

Where are “ze bugs”?


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