Arthur Thompson

CEO of The John Birch Society

Stopping The New World Order & One World Government


Mr. Thompson joined the John Birch Society in 1964 and rose through the ranks becoming a successful Area Coordinator for The John Birch Society in the 1970s. He left the staff to go back into business in
1981 and returned to the staff again in the 1990s.
In the 1980s and early 1990s, his manufacturing business took him all over the United States. A frequent visitor to Western Europe on business, as a tourist, and once on a political fact-finding tour for the JBS,
Mr. Thompson was at the Berlin Wall as it was coming down. During this tour, he became acquainted with many businessmen, academics, and members of the German cabinet and European Union.
Mr. Thompson has also served on his small town City Council, as the chairman of his local Chamber of Commerce, as an official and an elector for the Republican Party, and as a local leader in the state of
Washington for the Christian Coalition. He also served as an officer in the Select Reserve Force of the Army and National Guard.
Mr. Thompson has held virtually every volunteer and staff position in the Society, including National Director of Development and Communications and National Director of Field Activities. For several
years, he represented the Society in a variety of media events, including appearing on “60 Minutes” and conducting tours for JBS Speakers Bureau. He is the author of “International Merger by Foreign
Entanglements,” “To the Victor Go the Myths and Monuments,” and most recently, “In the Shadows of the Deep State.” He currently serves as the CEO of The John Birch Society.


Show highlights:

Mr. Thompson explains why The John Birch Society had a reputation for being extreme during the Vietnam War

The John Birch Society stands completely being the Constitution without wavering

There’s no such thing as ‘free trade”. Mr. Thompson explains

Once you lose your sovereignty and independence, can you regain it? We’re seeing this with Brexit

Mr. Thompson shares a story about how some manufacturing works in China; the workers certainly can’t win

Why don’t the States stand up to the federal government?

We have lost 98% of the value of the dollar because of the FED; the people who put the FED together knew exactly what they were doing. People have no idea what’s really going on. Why won’t mainstream media touch this subject. The John Birch Society is the only organization who talks about this subject and names names

What is The New World Order and who is behind it? A One World Government is a Communist idea

Mr. Thompson gives us his opinion of Pres. Trump

There is probably close to 40 million illegals in this country; the problem with mass immigration

Stop the Globalists Trade Agenda

The agenda is to place all the power in the U.N.; there’s never been a head of the U.N. that wasn’t a Socialist or Communist

We talk about a bit about climate change; just another scheme to get us involved in a one world government

Hear why Mr. Thompson makes a comparison between Trump and Kennedy

The CIA has been propagandizing the American people for years

Why Mr. Thompson doesn’t ever trust someone who is a Rhodes scholar

!976 was the target, for the most part, to take down America. Why didn’t it happen? The John Birch Society was a major player in stopping it 

Communism is Europe is not dead; Mr. Thompson tells us why

Mr. Thompson is optimistic about the future if people of character can come together and educate others

The John Birch Society Website


Mr. Author Raymond, CEO of The John Birch Society – Listen and learn exactly what they stand for, November 27, 2019

'Arthur Thompson – Stopping The New World Order & One World Government – November 27, 2019' has 1 comment

  1. December 3, 2019 @ 4:06 pm Alan Faulkner

    Very interesting viewpoint. Well worth the listen.

    Thanks Patrick and Arthur.


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