Atom Bergstrom

Time Conscious Living

Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and the leading expert on a Sun-Centric lifestyle. Atom’s journey towards health, nutrition, longevity, and meditation goes back to 1955, when he first started reading books by D.C. Jarvis, J.I. Rodale, Carlton Fredericks, Adelle Davis, Aldous Huxley, Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Prabhavananda, and numerous others. His exposure to the above mentioned authors instigated a deep desire and passion to understand and unlock the secrets to optimal human wellness and longevity. Atom was inspired by the words of Thomas Jefferson: “School teaches all of the branches, but none of the roots.” He sought the answers to his questions, not in classrooms, but in books, relationships, and life experiences. His quest for true knowledge and wisdom began by studying in hundreds of libraries across the country and evolved by studying with teachers and masters including Swami Adano Ley, Sufi Adnan Sarhan, Rabbi Michael Shapiro, Taoist Master Yun Xiang Tseng, and Fitness Icon Gypsy Boots. His most significant teacher was Swami Adano Ley with whom he spent 14 years. During this time, he studied a variety of sciences extensively, including the sun centric lifestyle, and ultimately graduated from Adano Ley’s Texas Institute of Reflex Sciences. The knowledge and wisdom he gained studying under a highly evolved swami combined with his emphasis on scientific research & personal experience would soon become the heartbeat of Sun Sync Nutrition. For the past 40 years, Atom has dedicated his life to the continuous learning and teaching of Sun Sync Nutrition, Time Conscious Eating, Cosmo-Chemistry, Reflexology, Muscle Response Testing, Body Language Analysis, Iris Analysis, Lucid Dreaming, Meditation and many other sciences.

Solar Timing

Atom’s Blog

Sun Sync Nutrition

Show highlights:

We ask Atom about the lockdown in CA. Albertson’s is selling toilet paper cake and coffee houses are selling actual toilet paper

How smallpox was used to get rid of the Indians

Genocide has been a big part of our history and it’s still going on today

Patrick gives his opinion on how he sees things playing out with this COVID-19 thing. Have we been had?

This virus has increased globalization. We believe, here at ORN, that this has been a planned event. Bill Gates is bonkers. Do your research on this guy. Follow the money

Atom gives us his take on viruses

Totalitarianism started in the Truman administration and even George Carlin knew it

Chlorella is an excellent antibiotic; man didn’t INVENT antibiotics, they’ve been there all along

How over oxygenation can kill someone

What are bacteria phages? Atom explains

If we ever started a biowar, China has all the remedies

The power of subliminal programming

Most of the medical information we have today was known before the Civil War

People are starting to wake up about the power, or rather, lack of power of this virus

Fear kills more people more than anything else

Atom explains that people actually die of the “Evil Eye”. How can that be?

The super computer “The Beast” runs on human blood serum. Did you know that?

The benefits of counter shocks

We have 19 surveillance agencies in this country that we know about

The WHO is one of the most dangerous organizations in the world says Atom and we totally agree

Is it healthier to sleep in the warmth or cold?

and so much more!!

Atom Bergstrom and this months show takes us where no man has gone before, as usual, April 7, 2020 ONE

Atom Bergstrom and this months show takes us where no man has gone before, as usual, April 7, 2020 TWO

'Atom Bergstrom – When You Can Synchronize with Your Environment You Can Achieve Perfect Health – April 7, 2020' has no comments

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