Attorney Thomas Renz

UPDATE: Vaccine Passport Proposed Legislation

Attorney Thomas Renz will be talking about the legislation being proposed in Ohio and other states related to vaccine passports.

It is VITAL that this legislation block the passport for BOTH public AND PRIVATE entities. If it does not, it is nothing more than political cover. Information has been shared with him that the COVID-cabal is trying to manipulate politicians into passing legislation to block a public mandate because they know it will be much harder to THEN pass legislation blocking the private mandate and that is the real goal.

He argues that it is already unconstitutional for the government to mandate a vaccine passport. The issue will be whether private business can discriminate based on vaccine status. We MUST ensure this cannot happen. While Mr. Renz sincerely doubts the Constitutionality of a private vaccine passport it is a more difficult fight in the courts than a public mandate.

Do not let well-meaning politicians pass something that they have been misled to believe will fix this when it will only make it worse. If a bill is passed prohibiting governmental vaccine passports he doubts we will be able to then pass additional legislation to prohibit private mandates and we MUST HAVE BOTH!!!

Tell your elected officials – no public or PRIVATE COVID vaccine passports!!!

Thomas Renz, of Ohio Stands Up! and Make Americans Free Again, is fighting for our Constitutional Rights. He and other attorneys have introduced legislation against vaccine passports.

Mr. Renz is also aligned with Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom and other groups pushing back against the medical takeover of America.

His February 19th testimony in the Ohio House was censored by You Tube for violating their “terms of service” and “community guidelines.” Mr. Renz is being attacked for being a money-chasing attorney, to, which he tells Patrick, “If I were doing this to get rich, it would mean I’m the worst businessman alive!”

How does legislation work from a political perspective?

Is it normal that it takes so long for the courts to hear these kinds of cases? Does it take even longer considering the power of the government, media, and medical giants aligned against you?

Patrick revisits with Attorney Thomas Renz for the latest update on vaccination litigation.

Mr. Renz has filed a new lawsuit challenging the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness.

Epidemiologists are examining the absolute risk reduction (ARR) of Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. Are these percentage points enough to justify taking the vaccine?

How can absolute risk reduction be used in a court of law?

The good news is the Department of Health & Human Services halted vaccinations for children 15 years and under.

What does the temporary restraining order ex parte contain? What will it accomplish?

Pharmaceutical companies are comparing the impact of treatment on those who got the vaccine and on those who didn’t get it.

Are the vaccines actually reducing the risk or are they just experimenting on people?

Private corporations cannot state the effectiveness of a vaccine due to potential lawsuits, but unelected bureaucrats such as Fauci who are protected by the government can say anything they want.

Are these vaccines approved by the FDA, or do they just have Emergency Use Authorization?

“I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I’m an anti-Covid-vaxxer,” clarifies Mr. Renz.

Why was the Trusted News Initiative formed by major news and global tech organizations? Why are the members colluding to cover up the VAERS Report?

Do the adverse effects have any connection with the vaccines or are they “just coincidences”?

Why are alternative treatments not allowed? Are the people suppressing alternative treatments going to jail for murder?

What is the “Pay-to-Play” policy between the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry? How can this government-corporate collusion protect the public health?

“At first we were fighting for our freedom? Now we’re fighting to protect people from getting killed,” says Mr. Renz.

Is it within the law for United Airlines to demand vaccine passports?

OSHA has eliminated employer vaccine liability. Can employees still sue their company if they are injured?

What are the possible side effects of these vaccines? There’s a long list.

Is it necessary for doctors to provide informed consent?

Mr. Renz is not the only attorney in this fight. He now has a great team with more attorneys.

The organizations involved are Make America Free Again, American Frontline Doctors, and Ohio Stands Up.

'Attorney Thomas Renz – UPDATE: Vaccine Passport Proposed Legislation – June 1, 2021' has 1 comment

  1. July 5, 2021 @ 2:35 pm Lynnie

    Thank you for this interview Patrick. We are close to finding an attorney to help the state of Colorado to file the “There Is No Emergency” lawsuit. As, we are affiliated and using the manifesto. It is the group I started to this end, and we are fundraising like crazy to pay for the attorney. We are a sister organization of Together, and with love for all, we will break the toy of tyranny and “power” that is the faux emergency order. When we do so, it will ripple across the states and the world- which is the plan. We are grateful for Tom Renz’s (plus so many others) assistance to make this happen across all states.

    Thank you again Patrick. You are always on top of things with your interviews and hopefully more people will be more informed and knowledgeable and get involved with their state.‍♀️❤️


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