Attorney Thomas Renz

Update on mRNA Vaccines in the Nations Food Supply

They want us to trust that there’s no mRNA in the food but are fighting Missouri #HB1169. The USDA HAS allowed mRNA vaccines in animals… do you trust them?

Atty. Thomas Renz main focus is on informed consent and showing us on a label what vaccines were given to the animals or put in the food supply.

We asked if there has been any real science or studies that proves MRNA shots into animals creates a dangerous protein in people

Mr Renz says he doesn’t care if there is a virus or not, he just wants informed consent for infiltrating the food supply with dangerous vaccines.

He said that even if he wanted to take “There is no virus” to court that he would probably be sanctioned for trying as the courts are s swampy.

Renz suggested there are two national cattleman’s associations, one is ethical and the other is a globalist enterprise.

'Atty. Thomas Renz | Update on mRNA Vaccines in the Nations Food Supply | May 8, 2023' has 1 comment

  1. May 21, 2023 @ 1:55 pm Eric

    I felt kinda of bad for the lawyer on the show today, that’s a lot of pressure for a lawyer standing up for labeling transparency…. in an abomination of a so called justice system.

    Anyways I just wanted to make a point.. it kept coming up for the lawyer to provide proof via studies, about covid19 being real… (Which it’s not) except in the minds of those who have been sent a strong delusion, also the United States Federal Government is known for spending more money than any organization on the firmament for frivolous studies and dealing harshly with real scientists…. All in all it was a great show! I appreciate any lawyer that’s not out screwing people and trying to do good in a disgustingly corrupt heathenistic color of law tort system…


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