Articles by traderscott

Trader Scott’s Market Blog – Relax, There Is No Housing Bubble – June 3, 2017

Relax, There Is No Housing Bubble June 3, 2017 Trader Scott Three heavy hitters in real estate – Darius Bozorgi, Veros CEO, Mike Fratantoni, Mortgage Bankers Association chief economist, and Douglas Duncan, Fannie Mae chief economist – all agree, “There is no housing bubble“. These real estate experts are all in agreement, and they believe the…

Trader Scott’s Market Blog – Inflation, Inflation/Uh Sorry, It’s Not “Transitory” – March 4, 2017

Inflation, Inflation/Uh Sorry, It’s Not Transitory     Trader Scott’s Market Blog March 4, 2017 Click to sign up for Trader Scott’s Free Market Updates or e-mail [email protected]     Inflation is picking up around the globe. And no Janet, this time it is not “transitory”. Your moronic, incoherent Fedspeak is not going to stomp…

Trader Scott’s Market Blog – Yellen Implies Rates to Rise – That’s Bearish for Gold and for Stocks – Right? – March 4, 2017

Yellen Implies Rates to Rise – That’s Bearish for Gold and for Stocks – Right?     Trader Scott’s Market Blog March 4, 2017 Click to sign up for Trader Scott’s Free Market Updates or e-mail [email protected]     Reuters has an article about a potential upcoming interest rate increase from the Fed. The Yellen…

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