Patrick Timpone

Ben Davidson

Suspicious Observers


Ben DavidsonBen Davidson is the Director of the Mobile Observatory Project, The Observing the Frontier conference, and founder of the Suspicious0bservers. Nearly a quarter million subscribers watch his YouTube Channel and his videos have received more than 55 million views. His work has received attention from engineers, professors, and a few scientists at NASA, NOAA, and the USGS. Ben works on the leading edge of emerging areas of science: space weather and the earth-sun connection- which are poised to upend some standard scientific models of climate, seismology, meteorology, and other planetary sciences.

Show Highlights:

-Where does human pollution play into climate change?

-The sun is changing the earth and solar system

-We take about 25 minutes to talk about GMOs and glyphosates as Ben has done extensive research in this area

-How do sun spots affect the weather?

-Since the sun has trailed off in activity, there has been no global warming

-Strange sounds in the sky explained

-Planetary alignment and Jade Helm: Does Ben suspect something big coming ?Is this why Jade Helm military exercises are beingpre-deployed ?

-Climate extremes should be expected during the next 10 years

-Ben’s opinion about the best places to live in the next 10 years

-Remember all the hype we heard back in years up to 2012 talking about disasters after a massive pole shift? Ben comments on this and talks the potential that exists for land shifts and water displacement

-Can we really trust the letter agencies like NASA and NOAH?

-If we are in an era of global cooling, could CO2 or greenhouse gasemissions actually ameliorate the extreme changes in the temperatureof the earth. Or do greenhouse gases have no effect at all on the
earth’s temperature? What does he think about the reason for risingsea levels on the coastal cities (i.e. New Orleans)?

-A magnetic pole reversal has already started created a weakness in the magnetic shield; it can take as little as 80 years for a pole shift to happen

-Comment from listener:Part of my daily morning constitution is listening the Ben’s Solar analysis … as in investment adviser, I feel it’s imperative we follow what Ben and the other observers have discovered because of the implications to our planets food production. It’s part of my personal reasons for wanting to own my own computer controlled hydroponic greenhouse farm.

and so much more!

Visit Website

ben davidson and earth changes and new glyphosphate info, may 21, 2015

'Ben Davidson – Pole Shift; Climate Change; Natural Disasters: How the Sun Is Changing the Earth and Solar System – May 21, 2015' have 4 comments

  1. May 22, 2015 @ 9:34 am Olivia

    I know all about Ben as I subscribe to his channel for three years now. A wellspring of learning has come to me because of him. People who are interested about what goes on off our planet should also look into Wallace Thornhill’s site on youtube it is called the electric universe, great info.


  2. May 22, 2015 @ 5:20 pm Oriana

    I just came across this list of known foods (Dannon! Ben & Jerry’s!), cosmetics (Cover Girl! Doctors brand!) household goods (Charmin t.p! Cascade dishwasher detergent!) and common over the counter drugs (Aleve!) that have been shown to have NANITES hidden in them.


  3. May 27, 2015 @ 9:07 am Trevor

    ‘Gly-so-phate’? The speaker continues his pronunciation mistake for 25 minutes, even after being corrected by the interviewer multiple times.


  4. June 1, 2015 @ 1:48 pm CAB

    What about the chemtrails? This is weather modification, deliberately done, so as to drought out some places and flood others. We all get to watch it every day — as in ‘look up and see the pretty air show.’ Did this guest miss the daily airshows — or night shows. Weather modification and also deforestation, killing the trees, and they are not spraying vitamins on us. It’s the beloved Banksters who are waging war against mankind. It’s really criminal. Who’s paying for this? We are. Nothing like carrying ‘bring your own shovel’ and ‘dig your own grave’ to have as a way of life for the whole planet.

    I don’t agree with ignoring the obvious tampering with the weather, and offering silly distractions that aim our planetary concerns at speculation and crystal ball gazing into imagined and presumed planetary movements. I’d like to know where this guy gets his crystal ball, and find out how reliable it is. Is he getting visions, voices? Is he looking at tea leaves?

    This guest does not know what the planets are doing, and I think he’s one of those Wannabees that James McCanney speaks of, the ones on the NASA payroll, being fed scripts and footage. He is not a scientist. He’s a mouthpiece, one of many, for NASA. It’s not hard to know when CMEs are going to strike the earth. Dutchsince is the one who was the genius at looking at weather radar scans and predicting tornados and earthquakes, and he’s not shilling for anybody. This guest is obviously shilling for NASA, (aka Never A Straight Answer) — he’s a government psy op.

    He is the lone researcher for a billion dollar corporation? What???

    This guy is so full of it. They are all over YouTube, highly paid shills. Our tax dollars go to pay them to go on YouTube and spread their blathering disinfo. If you want to know about spaceweather, get James McCanney on the show, or Dutchsinse.


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