Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) gave us a few simple rules about Blood Types …

“A and AB will develop acidosis if they try to be meat eaters all the time.

“B and O will develop alkalosis if they try to be a vegetarian all the time.

“If an A or an AB eats too much meat, they get acidosis with a white tongue, cracked skin, yellow fluid, and runny crystals.

“If a B or O eats no meat, they get alkalosis with a red tongue, drying with scale with no fluid.

“An A or an AB are usually born among meat eaters.

“They switch away and easily adapt to a vegetarian diet.

“The reverse is true for B and O.”

Adano never advocated ELIMINATING any of the Blood Type foods.

One of his mantras was, “Abstinence cures nothing.”

Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s Blood Type Diet is based on LECTINS (agglutinins).

Many lectins don’t affect the blood and many exhibit polyagglutinability – the agglutination of red blood cells regardless of Blood Type.

Some lectins do target specific Blood Types.

Lima bean lectins agglutinate Type A red blood cells – OVERCOOK them to destroy the phytohemoagglutinins.

The phytohemoagglutinins in beans are toxic to all Blood Types.

They’re especially concentrated in red kidney beans.

Cooking or overcooking won’t destroy the toxic lectins in great northern beans.

Many lectins are potent anticarcinogenic and antimetastatic agents, including …

jackfruit lectin (JFL),

mistletoe lectin (ML-1),

peanut lectin (PNA),

soybean lectin (SBA), and

wheat germ lectin (WGA).

(The “A” in PNA, SBA, and WGA stands for “agglutinin.”)

Cranberry lectins and blueberry lectins are the reason these berries are therapeutic for cystitis, urethritis, and UTIs.

Gary Null and Barbara Seaman (For Women Only: Your Guide to Health Empowerment, 1999) wrote …

“‘He [Dr. Peter D’Adamo] really shows a very poor understanding of human physiology,’ according to [Dr. Joel] Furman, ‘because he is looking at agglutination on a lab slide, not in the body. The body has various mechanisms to prevent agglutination with the immune system and through the production of various enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract. In other words, looking at a slide at a person’s blood is not the same thing as what goes on in the body. If people were having agglutination from lectins, all the type O’s who agglutinate with beans and wheat would be dead now because agglutination would cause infarction of the brain and organs. In other words, the whole thing is so ridiculous that it’s almost silly to have to discuss it.'”




'Blood Type Misinformation' has 1 comment

  1. December 31, 2011 @ 4:19 pm atomb

    PS: Adano said, “B and O Blood Types can stay up after 11:00 pm.”

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