
Patrick Timpone


Blossom Benedict

Learning to listen to your body, instead of everyone else!

There are more options now, than ever before, for solving our health woes: naturopaths, aromatherapists, osteopaths, hypnotherapists, acupuncturists and so many more provide wide and diverse solutions to what ails us. But what if the wisdom to fix your body was actually inside of you? What if your body actually always knows what’s wrong but, in all the confusion of third parties, has lost that primal ability to actually listen to it?

Blossom Benedict knows all about this. Plagued with health problems from a young age, she had a strange digestive disorder, a thyroid condition, and several knee surgeries by the age of 15. “I felt like my body had let me down and was sick of going to yet another specialist only to find out they couldn’t solve it either. I saw everyone, plus made all the lifestyle changes: juicing, cleanses, meditation, diets, even gazing at the sun… Nothing worked!”

It was only when she started asking her body questions – and listening to the answers – that life started to change for the better. “Having exhausted what I saw as the alternatives – and being hungry from 14 days of drinking kale and cucumber juice! – I chose to listen to my body, and that’s when my journey to recovery began.”

Blossom now helps hundreds of other Americans to do the same thing and empowers them to ‘know what they know’.

Visit Blossom’s Website


blossom benedict, ending the war with your body, august 15, 2013

'Blossom Benedict – Learning to listen to your body, instead of everyone else! – August 15, 2013' has 1 comment

  1. November 4, 2013 @ 10:12 am Beryl

    Thank you for sharing Blossom. You highlight how we have become so programmed to believe the beliefs of others that we have forgotten that all the answers are inside of us.


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