Patrick Timpone


Brenda Watson

Digestive Care Expert

The Skinny Gut Diet

When it comes to poop, colons and digestive disorders, Brenda can give you the scoop!

For over 20 years, Brenda Watson has dedicated her career to helping people achieve vibrant, lasting health through improved digestive function. A dynamic health advocate and celebrated PBS-TV health educator, she is among the foremost authorities in America on optimum nutrition and digestion, natural detoxification methods, and herbal internal cleansing.

Brenda has intensely studied many philosophies of health and natural healing with the premiere teachers of our time. She was inspired to establish natural healthcare clinics in Florida specializing in cleansing and detoxification and is still inspired today in sharing her knowledge with a wider audience on Public Television. Brenda’s hit PBS shows The Road to Perfect Health and Heart of Perfect Health have empowered millions in their quest for better health and revolutionized the way Americans view the vital link between digestion and total-body wellness.

Brenda is also the author of New York Times bestselling The Fiber 35 Diet as well as many other popular health guides. The “Diva of Digestion’s” knowledge is surpassed only by her enthusiasm and mission to help people through awareness and education. Brenda’s high-energy, no-nonsense approach to bodily functions and health has made her one of today’s most popular health experts.

Show Highlights:

-Cooking bacon in parchment paper

-Are we killing good bacteria in the gut when we use iodine and colloidal silver?

-Do we all have parasites?

-Do overweight people have different bacteria in the gut than skinny folks?

-Dealing with bloating and gas; what causes it anyway?

-The importance of buying refrigerated fermented vegetables over those on the store shelf

-Constipation and B vitamin deficiency

-Keeping Hepatitis C at bay

-A listener wants to know how to handle a hiatal hernia without surgery

-Can prebiotics and probiotics be taken at the same time? Would taking a little baking soda help the survival of probiotics?

and so much more!

Brenda Watson


brenda watson and the skinny gut diet, january 13, 2015

'Brenda Watson – The Skinny Gut Diet: Balancing Digestion for Permanent Weight Loss – January 13, 2015' have 2 comments

  1. January 21, 2015 @ 2:06 pm Bernard


    The lady you were talking about at the beginning of the interview is named Denise Minger, she wrote critique about China Study where the idea of red meat causes cancer came from.

    Her book is called “Death by Food Pyramid”.

    She’ll be a good guest to your show.


  2. February 28, 2015 @ 2:14 am Mark Alman

    Pat, you have to bring someone on to educate your audience about HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE. Brenda failed to discuss the reality that there are gut bacteria that produce HISTAMINE as well as reduce it. A lot of the symptoms Brenda described can be traced to the individual’s intolerance to HISTAMINE. May I recommend you contact Dr Janice Joneja.


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