Bruce Fife, ND


Author of Ketone Therapy: The Ketogenic Cleanse and Anti-Aging Diet


The ketogenic diet is one that is very low in carbohydrate, high in fat, with moderate protein. This diet shifts the body into a natural, healthy metabolic state known as nutritional ketosis. In ketosis the body uses fat as its primary source of energy instead of glucose. Some of this fat is converted into an alternative form of fuel called ketones. Ketones are high-potency fuel that boost energy and cellular efficiency and activates special enzymes that regulate cell survival, repair, and growth. When a person is in nutritional ketosis, blood levels of ketones are elevated to therapeutic levels. In response, high blood pressure drops, cholesterol levels improve, inflammation is reduced, blood sugar levels normalize, and overall health improves. Low-fat diets have been heavily promoted for the past several decades as the answer to obesity and chronic disease. However, we are fatter and sicker now more than ever before. Obviously, the low-fat approach has not worked. Our bodies actually need fat for optimal health and function more efficiently using fat for fuel. In this book you will discover how people are successfully using the ketogenic diet to prevent and treat chronic and degenerative disease. Ketone therapy is backed by decades of medical and clinical research, and has proven to be both safe and effective for the treatment of variety of health issues, including the following: Alzheimer’s disease Parkinson’s disease stroke Multiple sclerosis heart disease cancer diabetes obesity metabolic syndrome Crohn’s disease ulcerative colitis irritable bowel syndrome glaucoma macular degeneration migraine headaches sleep disorders It doesn’t stop there. Research is continually discovering conditions that are responding to the ketogenic diet. Many health problems that medical science has deemed incurable or untreatable are being reversed. Medications that were once relied on daily are no longer necessary and are being tossed away. People are discovering that a simple, but revolutionary diet based on wholesome, natural foods and the most health-promoting fats is dramatically changing their lives. It could be the key to changing yours as well.

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The history of how soybean oil and canola oil were foisted upon humanity with the fake news the coconut and palm kernal oil clogged the arteries and other detrimental health properties.

coconut oil has medium chain triglycerides and induce the liver to produce ketones that have been proven to help the body in many, many ways

What is up with the coconut oil that remains liquid regardless of temperature: virgin and organic coconut oil

Dr. Fife explains how soy and canola are hydrogenated to make them even more dangerous for frying producing oxidation and trans fats.

Canola oil has the added downsides of for the most part being genetically modified

Hear the mechanism how the body gets in ketosis, burns fat and loweers insulin production by not burning sugars

Insulin over production from over consumption of carbohydrates is known to inflame arteries and one of the root causes of atherosclerosis, also known as a “heart attack.”

The favorable effects of high good fat diet on brain health

Frying in coconut oil and palm kernel oil and the optimal oil for popping pop corn…non GMO of course

Bruce tells a great story about his glaucoma and reversed with coconut oil

Bruce Fife’s website and links to his latest book


Dr. Bruce Fife and lots of cool things on the healing benefits of coconut oil, April 5, 2018

'Bruce Fife, ND – Ketone Therapy: The Ketogenic Cleanse and Anti-Aging Diet – April 5, 2018' has 1 comment

  1. April 7, 2018 @ 8:57 am Luke

    you need to have keto coach Stephanie Person on your show Patrick, she is one of the top people when it comes to a strict ketogenic diet


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