
Patrick Timpone

Bruce Perry

Author of Fitness for Geeks: Real Science, Great Nutrition, and Good Health

May 24, 2012


Bruce Perry, author of Fitness for Geeks, joined us this morning with some simple advice for adapting our lives to our high tech lifestyles. Our bodies were not designed to sit for extended periods of time, in the dark, eating processed food. He explains why moving around a little bit every 20 minutes is more important than a 30-40 minute workout a day and gives some great ideas on how to incorporate more movement into the day.Enjoy the show!

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bruce perry, fitness for geeks, may 24, 2012

'Bruce Perry – Fitness for Geeks: Real Science, Great Nutrition, and Good Health – May 24, 2012' has 1 comment

  1. May 25, 2012 @ 12:00 am Monica

    Yes, I did it. Right after the show, I put free-standing shelf thing on a desk, and converted my workstation so that I can be in standing position while working. Also, I can carry my 7-month old on my back while working. This feels good! Thank you!!!


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