Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“Ghee will build back bone marrow. It has a high concentration of iron and calcium in an unusual way, and can be used to fry without hurting the liver, gall bladder, and appendix.”

Adano also explained …

“White cholesterol is a cholesterol that seems to suction and yellow cholesterol is a cholesterol that seems to slide. Remove the white cholesterol by making ghee.”

4 percent of a human being’s total body mass is bone marrow. The yellow marrow is mostly composed of fat cells.

Ghee is also called clarified butter.

Butter is heated till it melts, then cooled till it hardens into three layers …

(1) The top layer contains whey, and is scraped off.

(2) The middle layer is the ghee, and is saved to eat.

(3) The bottom layer contains casein, and can be mixed with the whey to form a skin cream.

Ghee is a crucial ingredient of Adano’s midday Bone Fusion Therapy …

(1) a teaspoon of dolomite powder,

(2) goat feta cheese or sheep feta cheese,

(3) a teaspoon of ghee,

(4) a dill pickle,

(5) raw spinach, and

(6) cayenne pepper.

Ghee is also a crucial component of a nighttime bone-building soup recommended by Adano.

It contains …

(1) bamboo shoots,

(2) preserved egg (thousand-year-old egg),

(3) ghee, and

(4) ginger.

Adano said …

“Bamboo is a fiber model of bone. It is like hollow bones with joints, and ghee is for the bone marrow. Heat bamboo up to harden it. Spin the body to make the bone hard.”




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