Here’s a few selections from the thousands of entries in Butterflies Need No Taxidermist.

Quotation marks indicate the exact words of Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …

acu-when vs acu-where – accurate timing vs accurate points. “The chronotherapist works with acute time and chronic time. He encounters sequential behavior in a relative existence of a unified field.”

acupuncture needle is pulled in – action of a constricted point. “Constricted areas are where you feel pain.”

always looking for the gems they don’t own – significant attribution of Gemini, the astrological sign of the Stomach Meridian (7:00-9:00 a.m.).

best time to gain weight – Autumn of the Body (3:00-9:00 p.m.). “Drink cold water [Autumn temperature, not Winter temperature] to gain weight, and warm water [Spring temperature, not Summer temperature] to lose weight.”

black sesame seeds – midday nourishment for the genitals.

brown sesame seeds – midday nourishment for the colon and small intestines.

comfrey root and pineapple juice – evening food combination that “cleans the liver.”

cool as a silicon cucumber – “cool as a cucumber,” the silicon in a cucumber cools the body. “Silicon lights don’t generate heat.” (Silicon allows a cucumber to remain ten degrees cooler than the ambient environment. Silicon’s resistance to heat is one reason it has replaced such elements as germanium and gallium in the electronics industry.)

cornfu – corn and tofu combination. “It’s a sheet type of tofu. Both corn and tofu [soy] grow in the middle of the day. Combine the corn with the tofu to get silicon. Add water, and it puffs up.”

damned – “blocked up.” “To be damned is to be a dam. Adam was the first dam.”

doesn’t cure anything – “regimentation and avoidance.”

necessary for the sperm and ovum to unite – iron and magnesium. “Eat calcium to produce a female child, and potassium to produce a male.”

number one, vigorous, only them and no one else in the world – significant attributions of Virgo, the astrological sign of the Small Intestine Meridian (1:00-3:00 p.m.).

Persian minstrel in his last incarnation – Donald Walters (Swami Kriyananda). “He was born in Romania in this incarnation while his parents tested for oil. He died in Romania in his last incarnation.”

preserves vitamin C in a tomato – oxalic acid. “You can’t cook the vitamin C out of a tomato. ) Oxalic acid and ascorbic acid are chemically similar. Incidentally, foods containing manganese detoxify oxalic acid.)

putting a cap on your head – significant attribution of Capricorn, the astrological sign of the Triple Heater Meridian (9:00-11:00 p.m.).

strangulation of the Achilles tendon – result of hanging by the ankles from gravity boots. “Using gravity boots puts pressure on the eyes and ears [which are connected to the Achilles tendons by geometric body resonance].” (A gravity bed poses no problems except overuse.)

white sesame seeds – midday nourishment for the brain. “L-tryptophan and selenium are in sesame. The Germans couldn’t brainwash the Turks because they ate halvah [which contains sesame seeds] for centuries.”

The four encyclopedic volumes of Butterflies Need No Taxidermist are available at …

FB: Atom’s School of Self-Healing at




'Butterflies Need No Taxidermist' have 6 comments

  1. April 25, 2012 @ 3:58 pm atomb

    Silicon in the form of silica tiles protects the space shuttle from the 3,000-degree-Fahrenheit temperature of atmospheric reentry.

    Think about that in relationship to the human brain the next time you eat a pear in the morning, a cucumber at midday, or jicama at night. :)

  2. April 25, 2012 @ 4:29 pm atomb

    Here’s a few more thoughts about Ayurveda and garlic, the premiere anti-cancer food.

    In the 1970s I read the first two volumes of the Sushruta Samhita (1907 & 1911 translations), and found them mixed with much shamanistic superstition.

    I never read the third volume (1916) because the UCSB Library didn’t have it on the shelves.

    I’ve also found many of the newer interpretations of Ayurveda to be “pop Ayurveda,” containing such neologisms as Iridology.

    I won’t mention any names. ;)

    • April 27, 2012 @ 1:31 pm Ryan

      Yo Sir Atom!

      Off topic question, but… : Endorphins, Pain and Sitting Meditation

      So I know of plenty of reasons why it’s a good idea to integrate all of the above – create endorphins by sitting through pain during seated meditation.

      However, and I may be making this up (if my memory is off), but I believe I remember you saying something about Nitty-Gritty saying that we actually do *not* want endorphins – that they have a counter-productive effect on longevity (and the goals of longevity may or may not be aligned with the goals of the spiritual path).

      Did I remember that correctly, and would you comment on the above?

      All the best!


      • April 28, 2012 @ 1:53 pm atomb

        When two mammals (including human beings) are in a fight, the winner gets a dopamine rush from the reward centers of the brain while the loser gets an endorphin fix as a consolation prize.

        We all “lose” from time to time but we shouldn’t seek endogenous morphine chemistry (endorphins) as a “high” or as a meditative outcome.

        Endorphins, oxytocin, prolactin, and capsaicin are opioid surrogates for the mother-child bond and not “stand on your own two feet” biochemicals like epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine.

        However, a meditator must go through the Delta brain wave GABA and opioid level of immobile hibernia known as Savikalpa Samadhi to achieve the active mobile level of hibernia called Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

  3. April 27, 2012 @ 12:14 pm John

    Hi Atom, how can a 45 year old man makes his teeth whiter ?
    Also, is there any benefit to opening your mouth to the sun ?

    • April 28, 2012 @ 2:21 pm atomb

      One short-term tooth-whitening fix is swishing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. Don’t swallow.

      One long-term fix is combining a slice of cheese (either sharp cheddar, Swiss cheese, or Monterey Jack) with a slice of red onion and a clove of garlic and holding it in your mouth as long as possible during the third quarter of Kidney Time (6:00-6:30 p.m.).

      The Kidney Meridian is a regulator of both bone and enamel growth and maintenance.

      Exposing your teeth to the Sun provides a minor benefit to the heart.

      Someone with fluorosis can save their teeth from “Colorado brown tooth” by regularly exposing their mouth to the Sun, but it won’t help the damage fluorine does to the rest of the body.

      Fluoridation is a major contributor to Alzheimer’s disease by making aluminum more bioavailable to the brain.

      Ditto brain cancer.

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