Cal Washington

InPower Movement

InPower Is a Worldwide Movement, Securing Life, Liberty, and Property For All Through Accountability

The InPower community is culturally, governmentally, and geographically diverse, but has a common bond: the need to have authority over one’s health and home. Regardless of where you live in the world today, people have fewer choices when it comes to certain technology and services, and often have no choices when it comes to medical interventions with no recourse for bodily harm.

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This is some very powerful and reliable information on legally  protecting you and family from the possible hazards of smart meters, 5 G and Vaccines… just may resonate with Cal’s work and vision

Once upon a time man got tricked into believing that he is separate from God, and that is when people came forth to lead him.

To this day government operations, monetary operations are all based on fiction that we the people “believe” are true

When we vote we have agreed to various adhesion contracts that are not to our advantage

When an offer is made and no response is given, the offer is deemed accepted.  This is in commerce.

The laws of commerce follow closely the laws laid out in the Bible and other spiritual works

Notice of Liability is a process anyone can do to possibly protect and stop Souls who are doing things that are not in you and your family’s best interest

When we get a birth certificate for a baby it essentially turns the child as property of the State.

We are “required” to pay property tax because the County actually owns the property and the taxes are rent to stay there.

The hierarchy is God and then man, no middle men in between as most believe


Cal Washington on Notice of Liability, potentially stopping those who cause you harm with a commercial process, May 2, 2019

'FROM THE ARCHIVES – Cal Washington – Here’s a Way To Hold Public Officials Personally Responsible For Encroaching on Your Life – May 2, 2019' have 5 comments

  1. May 4, 2019 @ 6:19 pm Donna Voetee

    Smart Meter Education Network is blasting me for sharing this info, saying that I am sharing “misleading info.” I don’t understand. I am speaking to a group on May 30 and intend to share NoL. Is SMEN controlled opp or am I missing something here?

    Smart Meter Education Network Donna Voetee I have asked you nicely to stop posting this. Why do you continue to do so. It doesn’t work, and we do not publish misleading information on this page.

    · Reply · 5m

    Donna Voetee
    Donna Voetee If I had known that you had requested me not to post, I would have complied. This is the first I’ve heard. Please inform me, how does it not work?


    • June 1, 2019 @ 5:22 am Lisa

      The NoL is more than anything else a spiritual document. It is in the physical realm yet it is accessing a biblically declared process, to which the spiritual world sees and must obey. It is often not visibly immediately working to change things in the physical realm, but it it will indeed reach critical mass at which time a “suddenly” will manifest.


  2. May 7, 2019 @ 4:33 pm Jack

    This process seems to work on all things where an offer and its acceptance is involved. Loved the discussion on monetizing the debt instrument. Thanks guys.


    • May 9, 2019 @ 4:05 am chris

      Seems to work? Yes i suppose it seems to. I used to find this type of info fascinating. Most of these gurus fall flat and end up with an all expenses paid trip to the crowbar hotel. I visited their site and signed up. Hope springs eternal i guess, We will see.


  3. May 7, 2020 @ 12:54 pm doc

    Bravo Patrick … More Cal Washington please….


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